Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, I get a mite discouraged or frustrated or irritated and the negative list goes on. I was at one of those points and had a little talk with Heavenly Father. I explained what I was feeling and that I really didn't care to feel that way at all. I knew some things that would help but I asked for anything he might want me to do to get back on track. His answer came in a week of spiritual experiences.

Sunday, April 30th, I enjoyed a wonderful meeting at Church, had a very nice visit with Papa, then came home and immersed myself in Institute preparation. We had a final class coming up on Wednesday to end that semester. I was to begin the next semester the next week and my mum-in-law is coming for a visit. This would leave little time for preparation. So my goal was to get ready for closing out a semester and then prepare two weeks worth of lessons so I could enjoy the visit with my mum-in-law and not worry about taking time away to prepare those two lessons for each of the first two weeks of the new semester. As I prepared myself to prepare all these Institute lessons, I again talked with Heavenly Father and explained what my goal was and asked for inspiration as I read and studied to know what the Young Adults would need. When I got to the end of my Sunday evening, I had all 5 lessons prepared with their visuals and handouts. This is an amazing feat for me. I know there was help to get that done and to feel so good about what was prepared.

Monday, May 1st, I was able to visit with Linda Speakes. I have been her visiting teacher for years. It was just delightful to visit with her for a little over an hour. She makes me feel so good when visiting her and I know it should be the other way around. But I'm learning that this is just a reciprocal kind of experience and we are now very good friends. Then I hurried into Georgetown and bought groceries for Papa and then cleaned his apartment with a little time to visit after. Summarizing this day I would call it a day of service that filled my cup.

Tuesday, May 2nd, I was able to take another sister I visit, Velvett Bossio to her doctor's appointment in Frankfort. These are follow-up visits after her cancer went into remission. She is a marvel to me of strength in adversity. The things their family has had to go through and are currently going through could fill volumes. Yet she remains positive and sure of the help they receive from Heavenly Father in the face of all the challenges in their family. Such a strong example for me of the little I really have as problems.

Wednesday, May 3rd, was  Papa's 89th birthday. My habit is to find a nice picture and post a birthday greeting on Facebook for our family members. Often it is a picture from years ago that family members may want for their files and posting on Facebook allows them to save it if they want it. This is the picture I posted for Papa's 89th birthday. It is Papa wishing his mother Happy Birthday on her 89th birthday. Her name is Claudia Clementine Shaw Lawrence.
I picked Papa up in the afternoon and took him to his favorite restaurant. Claude joined us there and we had a nice late lunch together. Then I quickly rushed to Dr. Weckman's office because Papa needed a blood test. That done we made our way to the nursing home to take music to the residents. This time I had two dozen chocolate cupcakes to share with the residents in honor of Papa's 89th birthday. I asked one of the care givers to take a picture of me with Papa on his 89th birthday. Who knows? Maybe when I turn 89 one of my kids will post this picture of me wishing Papa a Happy 89th Birthday!
I finished my day with an amazing Institute class. I love these last classes each semester. We have a review of what we have learned, answer any remaining questions, and share some of the important principles we each learned during that semester. It was great.

Thursday, May 4th, I was going to take a full day in my home trying to keep my head above water on the things that need to be done there. I received a text from the missionaries. They needed a female sister to go to a home where they were teaching a lady. They were hoping I could go with them. There went my evening but I did have the day and filled it as much as I could. The lady we were teaching is the grandmother of one of the Young Adults from my Institute teaching. It was truly a spirit filled experience sharing, as the missionaries asked me to, my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So happy I was asked and was able to do this visit.

Friday, May 5th, Claude sent me a text asking if we could teach a lady in our ward a temple preparation lesson. Again, there went the evening but what a nice way to spend a Friday evening. We went to Shelly's home. Her husband is not a member but graciously welcomed us into their home. He listened through the two lessons we taught. Such a lovely couple and a wonderful way to spend a Friday evening.

Saturday, May 6th, was a day I wanted to be home getting my home and things ready for Bonnie's visit. However, I was invited to a baptism, needed to visit Papa, and one of my Institute students was graduating college and invited me to that (or so I thought...).

I went to the baptism of two very cute little eight year old boys. When I was Primary president one of these young men, James Mussman, was in Primary. Such a bundle of energy with an enormous smile. The other young man's family moved into our ward after I was released. Loved going to this baptism.

After the baptism, I quickly got something for lunch before going to visit Papa. I had not eaten breakfast and was not sure when I would get home that night, so lunch was in order. Then I had two hours for Papa and I to visit.

I then drove to Frankfort for a 4pm graduation. Got to the Convention Center and no one was there. It was about 3:30pm. Hmmmm... I drove around the Convention Center and noticed the sign on the side of the building and it said the graduation was at 5pm. Okay. I drove to the Frankfort Ward building and parked in the shade for an hour. I have a book on my Kindle I am trying to read and could use that time to get some reading done. Sent Claude an eMail telling him to definitely not hold dinner for me as the start time was an hour off. About 4:30pm I drove back to the Convention Center. Circled the building and there was still no one there. This was getting weird. I made a second pass and chose a spot in which to park. Got out of my car and walked all the way around the building trying to open doors. All locked except for one last door. I entered a dark empty building except for one light on down a hallway. As I reflect back, this may not have been the smartest move I have ever made in my life. I peeked into the main floor of the Convention Center and it was set for the graduation but no body was there to graduate. I went back into the lobby and found a chair. Sent Claude a text with a picture of the room set as proof.
Then I went to BCTC's website to be sure of the place as Claude thought I might have that wrong. I assured him Amanda's invite and the board outside the Convention Center told me I was at the right place. Sure enough, the BCTC website said the Frankfort Convention Center at 5pm. Okay. Where was everyone. Went back to Amanda's invitation and that is when I saw my error. The graduation was Sunday at 5pm not Saturday. Man did I feel foolish. No way I could go on Sunday. I sent Amanda a Facebook message and explained what I tried to do to see her graduation and failed because I had the wrong day. Then I had a leisurely and very lovely drive back across Franklin and Scott Counties to Sadieville where I found my hubby grinning at his little wife. Geez! 

Sunday, May 7th, I took Papa to Sacrament Meeting. He wore himself completely out by just getting dressed to go. He almost decided to stay home but he really wanted to go to Church. So we made it to Sacrament Meeting and it was good. Then back to his apartment for a nice visit while we watched the BYU Channel and its great Sunday programming. In the evening there was an excellent Worldwide Devotional that Claude and I watched together. Elder Kim B. Clark drew a parallel between Joseph Smith in his young adult years and what the young adults in the Church today could learn from the lessons Joseph Smith learned at their age. It was excellent. 

As I sat in Church Sunday morning, I reflected back on my talk with Heavenly Father before the week began. I realized he had answered my prayer by filling my week with good things that Jesus would have done. Yep, that was the lesson for me. Just fill your life with the most good things you can do and think of others more than yourself. I knew this. I mean, I really knew this. And after a week of doing that, the lessons was relearned. I am grateful for my strong belief that carries me through. I am grateful for answers to prayers and increased understanding. 

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