Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our Christmas Present Struggle Continues...

This is truly a first world problem...

I fell in love with a turtle quilt advertisement on Facebook. I love turtles. I am a sucker for turtles and just about anything purple. However, I didn't do anything about that turtle quilt on Facebook. It had a 50% discount that was good until a certain date. I showed great restraint and didn't purchase that quilt. The deadline past. Then the advertisements continued with a 50% end date of the next day. This kept up for several days. While watching television with Claude one evening, I shared with him my story of this beautiful turtle quilt and my great restraint in not purchasing it. Claude simply looked at me and said order the quilt if you want it. So, from my phone, I ordered the quilt. I started receiving eMail's from the company explaining the process that was happening with the making of my quilt, the inspecting of it, the moving it to shipping, the shipping of it, etc. This piqued my interest in receiving the quilt even more. 

When I got home from Georgetown one day, that package with my quilt was sitting on the breakfast table. I opened it and was sorely disappointed. My impression was that each turtle was stitched onto the fabric. Alas, this was an imprint on the fabric. The fabric was quilted but in the swirly patterns they put on quilted fabric you buy in the fabric store. The edge had seam binding on it. It was the only thing I have ordered this Christmas that didn't please me when it was received. I decided I would return it.
But I didn't do that right away either. I let the quilt sit in it's clear shrink-wrapped package for a few days. Then after Claude left one morning, I decided I should really open it and look at the entire quilt before I sent it back. I carefully removed it from the shrink-wrap so I could reuse that for packaging. Then I opened the quilt and spread it over our bed. I looked at it through the day and then had Claude look at it at night. He quietly asked me what I was not going to do, did I like the quilt now. I told him I was liking it more the longer it laid over the bed. I asked him if he liked it and he responded in the affirmative. So, the quilt has not gone back and I am keeping it as part of my Christmas from Claude.

The other thing I did Saturday evening was measure our bedroom windows for blinds. I have wanted white blinds on those windows for years and years. I told Claude he could order the blinds for me for Christmas. When I got home yesterday I found these boxes on either side of our bedroom windows. Yep, I am getting blinds for Christmas. 
Finally, my Kindle has been driving me nuts not holding a charge or not charging. I also called the Kindle help number and explained my problem. He called me back last night and explained there was no fix for this problem. The battery was bad and you can't fix that. The only option is to purchase another Kindle. He would give me a 15% discount on a new Kindle. He put that note in my Amazon records for whenever I opted to replace my Kindle. I sat and looked up Kindles on my poor Kindle and determined what I wanted. They had one in plum and I could get a plum-colored cover. That is just too close to purple to not make me happy. Claude and I looked over the specifications, etc. and we ordered me a new Kindle. It should arrive on Christmas Eve. So I know what all my Christmas is and am very, very happy about it. I even dreamed about my new Kindle last night and Claude and me playing with all its bells and whistles. 

Thus goes our first world problems...

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