Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Yin and Yang of the Christmas Season...

Thursday, December 12th, was Bailey's Christmas band concert. Claude had a meeting in Lexington that would end at 3pm. He was conducting the meeting so he knew he would end it by 3pm. You see, we had two coupons for free pizzas at Hometown Pizza in LaGrange that we purchased at the Boy Scout spaghetti dinner for Hayden. They had to be used before December 31st. We suggested to Andie that we bring dinner the night of the concert. She said to be there about 4:30pm so all could be done leaving time to get Bailey to school early for the concert. An hour and a half from Lexington to LaGrange, buy pizza and then get to the Marx home would cut it very close. I visited Papa in the morning and came home so I could get in the car with Claude and go to his meeting and we could leave immediately from the meeting for LaGrange. Such a life we have carved out for ourselves!!

I ordered the pizza as we got closer to LaGrange along with salads and bread sticks. It worked well in getting it but it was clear we were not going to be at the Marx home by 4:30pm. It would be closer to 5pm. I sent Andie a text and she assured us it was not a problem. Turns out she had an emergency Parent/Teacher meeting for one of her first graders. 

We got to the Marx home right after Hayden left so we didn't get to see him. He was off to watch the 'Oscars' for gaming people. Michael had the voting sheet (a version of brackets for ball games) for the games. We each voted for names that sounded good to us. This way we sort of participated with Hayden. The rest of us enjoyed the pizza and other foods. Then Michael took Bailey early to Oldham County Middle School early to warm up with the band. He also secured seats for us in the bleachers. These concerts really fill up so this is a must for the band concerts.

The concert was excellent as always. Bailey was the best one in her row!! After the concert, we had her pause before helping with clean-up to get a quick picture. Our girl is now taller than me! Whoa!
This is always a fun part of Christmas (the Yin). We will miss Hayden's concert because of scheduling conflicts. But we do enjoy watching the Mini's perform.

We would leave after getting our photo to head back to Sadieville. Somewhere along the back roads we drove, Claude managed to run over a dead skunk. We began to smell the unmistakable aroma of skunk inside the car. We thought we were driving through an area where a skunk had been hit. We made it to I-75 and headed to Waddy/Peytona to get gasoline. When we pulled up to the pump, that skunk odor was strong. We were then really aware we were carrying the odor with us. We got home and Claude parked in the garage with the garage door down. Yep, in the morning the garage was profoundly odoriferous. We have left the garage door open as much as possible. Claude took the Jeep to a car wash and tried his best to clean underside of the car and the tires and wheel wells. We have had some rain and he has hit all the mud and puddles he could to try and get more of whatever is still there off. It is slowly going away. But that odor is definitely the Yang of Christmas!!

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