Sunday, November 29, 2020

A Week to be Thankful...

I love that we have Thanksgiving each year before Christmas. It sets the perfect tone for the Christmas holiday as we remember that for which we are grateful. The big and the small things. Particularly the small things. Hayden sent us this meme last Sunday to provide a bit of levity to the week.

Monday, November 23rd, we had to get up early. We are not used to this at all. So an alarm was set and we got up early to shower and hit the road. Our destination was near the Cincinnati Airport (which is really in Kentucky). Our goal was to go through the steps to renew our GOES card. This is a Global Entry card that helps with getting through customs when you return to the United States. With it we get a TSA Pre-check status that makes it easier to get onto an airplane. We arrived a little early. With the bridge closed across the Ohio River from Kentucky into Ohio at Cincinnati, we were sure there would be a mess of traffic as people try to get to work. When we arrived, Claude checked the sign on their door for particulars about entering with the Covid-19 rules. We were to wait in our car until our time to enter. We both entered at the same time and the nice lady visited with Claude first, then she visited with me. Claude is very thorough about these things. He had his folder with any possible paper we would need to get this done correctly the first time. Inside that folder was a clipped set of papers for him and clipped set of papers for me. You are given a brief interview. Your picture is taken. The old GOES card has our last picture on it. The lady looked at me and said, "My, your hair has grown since this last picture." I thought to myself, "It is called Covid-19 hair!!" This time they took finger prints. This is done by resting the four fingers of your right hand on a small digital screen, then your right thumb, then four fingers on your left hand followed by your left thumb. A lot tidier than the ink on the fingers they used to do at police stations. The nice lady kept saying, "Ya'll are helping me get through this so quickly!" I assured her that was Claude's doing. We passed and were told we would get our new cards in the mail. As we left, the nice lady said, "You don't have any plans to go anywhere now do you?" I assured her that most countries don't want our Covid potential germs nowadays. She replied that the ones that would take us probably were not ones we would want to be in anyway. As Claude and I reflected on this step to be able to fly somewhere outside the continental United States again, we both agreed this was another act of hope and faith that someday things would be different for us in the travel department.

I continued my Facebook posts of things for which I am grateful. Monday this is what I posted on Facebook:

Psalms 127:3 Children are an heritage of the Lord...
Claude Christensen and I are richly blessed to have three wonderful children who grew up into outstanding adults. So many great memories and so much future to look forward to in each of their lives. I am grateful for how each has enriched my life. Love Them Bunches!!
Please note the picture above where the kids are sitting with Santa. It was taken when our oldest, Nissa, was working at CVS Pharmacy. The man is Santa 'Claude'. I love this picture.

Tuesday, November 24th, was a 'stay at home, get the house ready' kinda day. Our plan was to have the Marx family visit for Thanksgiving. We have all been healthy and have spent time together so we felt this would be okay. We had the understanding that, if, as the time approached, there was any concern on either part, we would cancel those plans and Claude and I would drop smoked brisket and smoked turkey on the Marx front porch. So Tuesday was a day to get ready for company. I baked cookies for us to have on Wednesday evening. While I was finishing that, I received a text from Bailey asking if we could bake cookies when they came. Ugh!! I told her I was going to bake a cake and a pie on Wednesday and, if she wanted, I could save that to do until they arrived. She was happy with that. 

While I was in my sewing room making a few more masks, I spied a ladybug climbing my wall. What in the world!! It is way to cold for lady bugs. Not sure where this one came from but it was cute making its way up a white wall.
For dinner Claude made us the most yummy meal. It was so good, I wanted to share it on this post. He found it on a package of Spanish rice. He tweaked it a bit by adding taco seasoning mix to the burger. I would present it a little differently if ever invited to somewhere that I need to take an appetizer. I would layer the burger flavored with taco seasoning mix, the Spanish rice, the other toppings like lettuce, tomato, sour cream, cheese, etc. Then I would put out a bowl of bite-sized tortilla chips to dip the dish with. I kid you not, this one is a keeper.
My gratitude Facebook post this day was:

Psalm 78:25 Man did eat angels' food...
I am grateful for food. Okay, you must be as well. It is essential to existence. We are about to enjoy Thanksgiving FEASTS. The scripture is speaking of the children of Israel eating manna. I want to share two recipes with you. One is written in my Mother's hand and is for Marshmallow Cream Fudge. The other is written in her Mother's hand (my grandmother) and is for Sweet Potato Pie. When I eat these things, I am sure I am eating Angels' Food. I am making this Sweet Potato Pie for our Thanksgiving Feast. I am grateful for food.
Andie called in the evening and we confirmed we were all feeling well and would have Thanksgiving together in our home. They would arrive Wednesday in time for dinner and leave Thursday in the afternoon. 

Wednesday, Nov 25, we were invited to help a friend prepare food for the missionaries who serve in our ward. They were on quarantine. This was fun. We had on hand a roast. Claude cooked that while he was smoking the brisket for our dinner that evening. The poor man was so conflicted. The interior of the house smelled so good with the roast cooking and when he opened the door to the deck the smell of that brisket smoking made your mouth water. We also fixed a box full of items the missionaries could use to prepare their own meals for a few days taking things from our shelves. In a clever whim, we also put in a package with four rolls of toilet paper. Again the toilet paper is getting hard to find. I also wrote on a card that Claude had colored for them. Marissa Noe would come at 4:30pm to pick everything up and take it to the missionaries. Marissa posted these pictures of her family delivering the food to our missionaries. The missionaries were very grateful and happy with this delivery.
The concerning thing this day was our morning. We got up and started our day. Claude went to put the roast in the crockpot and I headed to take a shower. As Claude plugged in the crockpot, there was a loud popping sound and a flash in the back yard. Now, we were having a rainy day, but this pop was like an explosion. We lost all power to our home. I popped a text to Kentucky Utilities to identify that we had no electricity. The said they would check it and we could ask for an update in 10 minutes. We waited and then I sent them the next text for an update on progress. They responded they should have it fixed by 11:30am. Claude and I calculated and figured we could still make the dinner happen if we had power by 11:30am. I sent Marissa a text letting her know what was happening. I also sent Andie a text letting her know and that thunderstorms were expected during the time they planned on the 1 1/2 hour drive to Sadieville. It didn't take but about 30 minutes and we had power again. Yeah!! Sent texts letting everyone know we had power and were on track to accomplish our goals that day.  

My sister, Neffie, asked me about the stuffing recipe she had. She only wanted to make a square pan of cornbread and wanted to be sure her recipe wasn't too much for that. I took a picture of my mother's turkey and dressing recipe. I got this from my mother when Claude and I were young marrieds and I was making my first Thanksgiving dinner away from home. I sent that picture to Neffie to see if that would help. Here is my mother's turkey and stuffing recipe.
The Marx family arrived and we enjoyed that delicious brisket Claude made. Then Bailey and I set to work baking two sweet potato pies and a lemon pudding cake for Thanksgiving Day desserts. They turned out great. I sent Jake a text to show him the yummy pie. Then he sent me a response with a picture of his pie for Thanksgiving. Such a clever single guy. Very, very clever.
My gratitude post to Facebook this day was:

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
There are so many things to be grateful for. I am most grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful that the belief I have in them and their teachings guides my choices every day. I am grateful I married a man who holds those same beliefs and lets them guide us as a couple. I know my prayers are heard and answered. I give thanks to live in a country where I may worship with these doctrines and beliefs. I feel my Savior's love each and every day and gratefully acknowledge each blessing as it comes. I am richly blessed with good and difficult things to help me grow. 

Thursday, November 26, Turkey Day!!
This was a leisurely Thanksgiving. We had cereal and bagels for breakfast and brisket sandwiches for those wanting lunch. Since the Mini's sleep until noon, sometimes it would be breakfast and then dinner. Claude smoked a turkey and made lots of other dishes to go with it. 

Claude dressed in his special Thanksgiving t-shirt. This episode of the television show "WKRP in Cincinnati" is definitely a classic. 
Hayden was really sleeping in so Andie joined him. How Hayden can get a good sleep all night in this chair amazes me. 
Bailey was sleeping on an air mattress in my sewing room. I had to go type a letter to Papa in the evening. When I opened my laptop, I found this sweet note from my grandmonster.
We would call Jake and talk. Katelyn called later in the evening for a video chat with her girls. 

This was my post on Facebook:

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Gen. 2:24.)
On Friday the 13th, 1970, Claude Christensen and I made covenants to cleave to each other for eternity. I am grateful we did that on a snowy morning in Logan, Utah. He is my favorite person on planet earth. I seriously can't imagine cleaving with anyone else. Love him bunches!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
We played Apples to Apples in the evening. A good Thanksgiving Day.

Friday, November 27, Claude started our day with pancakes and bacon. I cut Andie's hair while the Mini's slept in. Michael made another brisket sandwich. The Mini's were fed when they woke up and then the Marx family packed up and pointed their car toward LaGrange. 

Claude and I gathered our things and headed to Georgetown. We did our walk, took Papa a treat and filled the bird feeder, picked up a prescription and had dinner at Burger King. 

Katelyn posted this cute picture of Miss Emelia in the bottom kitchen drawer. This is a right of passage for children.
Then we rested!!!

Saturday, November 28, I had a goal to start going through Christmas decorations. We are trying to pare down things we own. This includes all those Christmas decorations. While I worked on the inside of the house, Claude worked on the outside of the house. He realized he needed to cut the grass one more time before setting up the nativity. He did that and I went through all the indoor boxes and got everything out except the actual Christmas tree. That takes a day by itself. I was able to get a nice pile of things to take to Goodwill in the morning. I was able to find some treasured items to pass on to my granddaughters. I was able to find a loving home for the 4 foot tree I put up in the basement for the grandmonsters to decorate. I won't really know how much space I have cleared off the shelves until I box everything up and put it away. But, I am feeling good about this first cut through things. 

I received a phone call from Aubrey. Her husband has left her. Ugh!! We talked for a bit and I tried to listen a lot. 

Katelyn sent us this picture of her girls making peanut butter sandwiches. Raelyn is in the green shirt and Emelia is sitting on the table helping her big sister. The girls are four and one. So cute.
In the evening we turned on the outside lights. We don't have as many out as usual because of our paring down project. Claude is standing on the front porch surveying his work. I love the look this year. Simply elegant.
I will work on the Christmas tree Monday and or Tuesday. Then our home will be decorated for Christmas. 

Sunday, November 29, was a good day for Church. We talked about Ether 12 where Moroni learns the Lord will give us weaknesses to make us humble. These are some of my favorite verses. Then Claude and I read in Moroni 1-6 and reviewed the sacrament prayers. I have had tender feelings about the Atonement and how important it is in each and everything in my life. Reading those prayers together and Claude reading them as he blessed and passed the sacrament to us in our home this morning brought all those feelings to the surface. I know that because of the Atonement I will be resurrected. Because of the Atonement I may repent of sins and be forgiven. And because of the Atonement I have been blessed with an enabling power that helps me to be more than I ever could trying to do things on my own. That is the humbling part of weak things that can work to make us strong and more like the Savior. The Savior has done this for each of us. I love these teaching. 

Now, let's see how we fill this next week!!

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