Sunday, November 1, 2020

Ending October 2020...

As the wind howls outside and I look out and see the trees blowing sideways with that wind, I will sit in my warm, safe, very comfortable home and try and recap this last week.

Monday, October 26, 2020 was spent preparing for our friends to visit for a few hours. Fred and Bevy Myers would arrive Tuesday, October 27th and stay for a few hours. These sweet people are friends made during our biking years. Fred was a single guy and Bevy was a single lady. Bevy’s cousin, Dave Ayers, was someone we had been biking with since we started riding the Goldwing. Fred joined our chapter and Dave and his wife, Phyllis, quickly figured out Fred should meet Bevy, Dave’s cousin. They were introduced and ended up getting married. I was asked to play the piano for Fred and Bevy’s wedding. This was the Myers wedding anniversary. Fred surprises Bevy each year with a trip to a Bed & Breakfast for their anniversary. She never knows where they are going. He just takes her away for a few days. This time they were going to be close enough that he surprised Bevy by driving to our home on the way to their Bed & Breakfast. Bevy figured it out when she saw the sign that said Sadieville so many miles ahead. Fred even had the presence of mind to take a couple of family pictures off their wall and put them in their car so Bevy could show us their family and how it has grown over the years. We prepared a light lunch of chicken salad and pasta salad. It was so good to see these two dear friends from our past. I had planned to take a selfie of the four of us. I even had plotted where to take the picture so we were ‘socially distancing’ by one couple standing on the front porch and the other couple standing on the grass in front of the porch. But, alas, I forgot to take the picture. I asked Fred to send me a picture of them. Fred sent these two. They have purchased a home in Indiana near Fred’s daughter. If we drive a certain way going or coming home from our Michigan trips, we could pop in and see them from time to time now. Yippee!! 

We learned Monday that the Roper family added Copper Ryder Roper to their family. It appears to be a beagle which is one of the most loveable dogs ever. Raelyn is definitely smitten with this new addition.

Claude and I made a trip into Georgetown to take Papa a treat. We stopped at Moss Park to take our walk. As we walked the last bit of the trail, I found this red burning bush that was very vibrant red. Across the park was a bright yellow tree. I took this picture so I could put it in the daily letter I write to Papa. Fall is such a beautiful time.

Tuesday, October 27th, I finally saw another great Covid-19 meme. Well, at least to me it was great. There are not as many meme out there now as we have dealt with the virus for the eighth month now. But this one I really liked.

I shall skip Wednesday, October 28th, and Thursday, October 29th, because I can’t remember what exactly happened those two days. I know I spent a lot of time on my lap top working on Christmas presents. I purchase a Groupon for an 8” x 8” book of pictures for a gift for Papa. It takes me forever to find the pictures to put in one of these. I did get that finished and the order off. I also worked on making the PowerPoint of pictures of Claude and me right to give Claude for Christmas. So those two tasks of love were finished during these two days. 

Friday, October 30th, we both woke up and felt at loose ends. I said to Claude, “I am feeling a little blue today.” Claude said he was feeling the same. We decided to get ourselves up and showered and go to Georgetown to do our errands there. Maybe if we were productive we could shed these blue feelings. We did our walk. We took Papa a treat and filled his birdfeeder. After I filled the birdfeeder, I peeked in his window and realized Papa was awake 
 and had received his bag of treats. This time I gave him two sugar cookies in the bag. He was putting them together and eating them at once like a cookie sandwich. Yep, my dear father does love sugar. He waved at me and blew me kisses and had a big sugar cookie crumbly grin on his face. I would write Papa a letter that evening and I thanked him for his gift to me of a big grin and waving and blowing kisses. These are sure treasures to me and I want him to know that it means so very much to me. It’s the little things people, the little things that are so very important in life. Claude and I would stop ay Burger King and get a burger at the drive-thru, then sit in the parking lot to eat. Then Claude wanted to clear the grocery list. We have been trying to plan ahead for winter. So we wanted to get some extra Kleenex and things to be ready. Claude would also stop at the gas station to fill up the Jeep. I went in and purchased some more Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. I love the little mini’s that aren’t wrapped. I had a bag and Miss Bailey quickly found it when they had their sleepover. It was gone after the first evening of movies. It makes me happy the Mini’s are comfortable finding their food treasures when they visit.

As we left Walmart, we realized the new entrance/exit was now open. So we took the exit to get to I-75 to return home. It works great for an exit. Not sure how it will be for an entrance.

When we left Love’s Travel Plaza, I saw this in the guard rail. Some vehicle must have gone through that hole in the guard rail. When they built the Love’s station, it needed a bigger flat surface so they hauled in lots of dirt and took some from the hill behind. This station is built at the top of a real and supplemented manmade hill. If you go through the rail, it is a very steep slope to the bottom where there is a creek. I can’t even imagine what that was like. 
When we got home, we had accomplished some good things however we both felt blue still. Ugh. I suggested we just go downstairs and watch some movies. We did just that. We decided to have an Indiana Jones marathon. Claude took his coloring downstairs and I gathered yarn and plastic canvas. I needed to make a new Kleenex box cover as the old one has worn right out in the kitchen. My yarn is somewhat skimpy since I crocheted it all into afghans. But I do have a few bits left and I would use those. 

I had some fun texting with our son. I shared with him that we were both feeling blue and what we were doing to get out of that feeling. Jake shared that he is hearing that from the people at work and thinks it is common nowadays. I shared with him that I was not sure if it was the gray days with the weather changing, the increase in Covid-19 positive tests that just seem to be escalating, or that our biorhythms were off right now. Jake used two words in his text that I believe fit the situation perfectly, ‘wary’ and ‘resigned’. Perfect description of the mood in today’s world. 

Jake also shared that he was on his front porch trying to feed a squirrel. Actually, he was sharing that it was Friday evening in Chelsea, Michigan and that is what everyone was doing, going out on their porch and getting fresh air. Wary and Resigned.

Jake also volunteers at the animal shelter in Ann Arbor, Michigan every Saturday morning. The Saturday previous he had a concerning experience walking a pit bull. It got over-excited and Jake had to lift him up and carry him back to his kennel. They were both okay but the concern was the dog breaking the leash and getting to another dog and their being a fight between the two dogs. They train them before they ever let them walk the dogs so Jake was prepared from a book standpoint. Actually experiencing it was a bit more dramatic. He also shared that he gave the dog Easy Cheese on Triskets to help calm him down. Jake reminded me that was not unlike us taking our three kids on a long road trip and me feeding them that to keep them calm in the car!! Oh My!! Jake had one other experience with a gentle beagle that he walked last. They got trapped outside for an extra 30 minutes. The beagle was happy and Jake loves the dogs so he was happy. I am happy Jake is doing this good thing in his community.

Saturday, October 31, 2020 was Halloween. I posted these pictures on Facebook telling everyone Happy Halloween from the Christensen home to their home. 
Jake sent me this very cool picture taken by NASA of the sun. There is some group of them that study the sun and take lots of pictures. They happened to get this one and it really looks like the face on a jack-o-lantern.
Claude and I prepared our front porch for trick-or-treaters. In this heightened Covid-19 time in Scott County (we currently have a 25.3% positivity rate), Claude suggested we put the candy in cups and leave it on a well-lit front porch. We moved our porch furniture to the end of the front porch and set it all up for the kids to get candy. We left the garage and front porch lights on and the pumpkin was also lit. We went to the basement to watch Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
I posted this on Facebook to share the lesson I learned from this experience: “Claude Christensen and I set up our front porch for trick or treating and retired to our basement. I came back up once and 2 cups of candy were gone. After 8pm, Claude and I came upstairs to put things back in their place on the porch. I had 7 cups of candy left. I share this because it is a testimony to me of the inherent goodness of parents and children. At any point someone could have taken all the candy or picked out all of the kind they liked. They didn't do that. I picture parents teaching children to choose one and leave the others. In these strange times, isn't it reaffirming the goodness of people in this little act of honesty. I love this lesson from this Halloween.”

I also asked our Aubrey if she had a picture of Nelson in a Halloween. He was with his biological father so she asked him for one and sent me this of our little man.
Saturday was also time to remind everyone to change their clocks for Daylight Savings Time. These were the pictures I used to do that.
So, we made it thought another week. We accomplished some good things. We made our way through the blues. We actually had some trick-or-treaters. All is good. 

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