Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Cars, Kindles & Something Beautiful...

Sunday, February 21st, I tried to get into my Buick. The door would not unlock when I pressed the button on the handle. As long as the key fob is on me or near me, just pressing the button on the door handle should unlock the door. I walked to each door and to the trunk door. None of them would open. I took the key fob out of my purse and shook it at each door. Still nothing. I am sure I looked very amusing to the guy in the car across from me as I did this routine. Fortunately, Claude was driving and had not come out yet. When he came out with his key fob, the door opened just fine. I had a bit of this happen over a period of time. So it didn't totally surprise me and I was sure the battery in the key fob was now dead. 

Monday morning, February 22nd, my first chore was to call Dan Cummins and get an appointment for my car. It was in sore need of an oil change and to have the tires rotated. I also included new batteries for my car key fob and for Claude's car key fob. The appointment was for Tuesday, February 23rd, at 3:40pm. I talked with Claude and we determined we would both drive in and have dinner in Georgetown. This would keep me from sitting in a waiting room. That is not a problem except for the concerns about the virus.

Claude had trouble with his Kindle before we went on our trip. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has several apps that we use. The main one is the Gospel Library app. It quit working on Claude's Kindle. He tried removing it and reinstalling it. It wouldn't let him find the app in the Google Play store. Ugh!! He spoke with Kindle. They explained that his version of the Kindle Fire no longer supported that app. He would need to buy a new Kindle. Claude decided to wait until we returned from our trip.

When we got home he ordered himself a new Kindle. It arrived Monday, February 22nd. Claude opened that box and started to set up his new Kindle. The problem. It would not stay on the Internet. I have been having a hard time with mine staying on the Wifi signal. It wouldn't stay on the Internet long enough for Claude to download any of his apps or the Gospel Library. To say this was frustrating is truly an understatement. We decided while in Georgetown on Tuesday, we would spend time at the Church using their Wifi and see if our Kindles would work with that. As disappointing as not being able to get his Kindle set up on Monday was, it was tempered by a plan for Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 23rd, I spent my morning crocheting. Claude left for Georgetown before me. His plan was to go to CVS and get some medical things he needed, then grocery shop, then pick me up at the car dealership after I dropped my car off. I left for Georgetown after Claude and went to the nursing home to drop off a treat bag for Papa. I tried to find a place to get my poor car washed. The lines were unbelievable. I got myself a soda and sat in a parking lot till time to go to the car dealership.

Claude picked me up after I checked my car in. We drove to the Church building and sat outside. Claude's Kindle found their Wifi and stayed on it. He was able to download the Gospel Library app and open all the items he uses on that app. My Kindle still would not hold on to the Wifi signal. Not sure what in the world is the problem. We got a text from the car dealership and drove back to pick up my car.

Claude left me at the dealership and went to Jimmy John's to order us dinner. I asked the man in the service department about starting my car when the key fob battery was dead. It was nice to be able to get back into my car with the skeleton-like key, but I still needed to be able to start it to drive home. He walked me to my car and showed me that, even with the battery dead on the key fob, I could place the fob down in one of two places and it would catch a signal from the car and start. Yeah!! 

I drove to Jimmy John's and parked my car behind Claude's Jeep on a side parking lot. We would enjoy our dinner in his Jeep. Claude figured out that he could get on Lowe's Wifi from the Jimmy John's parking lot. He did that and downloaded other apps to his new Kindle. 

It was a roundabout journey. But he now has a functioning Kindle. We have to determine why our devices will not hold a signal. The router shows that the Internet is connected and good. The devices, including our lap tops and printers, will often fall off the Internet. We'll get it figured out.

In the midst of all this need to get things fixed and right, I found this beautiful flower in our bathroom today. It is my 2016 poinsettia. With all the darkness over the last couple of weeks with ice, sleet and snow (in what a friend described as ice, sleet, snow lasagna), it kept our bathroom dark enough for the leaves to begin turning red. I love it when this happens. It is like a beautiful reminder that, even in the midst of trying times, there is beauty and things to be grateful for. 

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