Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Friday, March 12, 2021, we received our second Covid-19 vaccination. One month previous on February 12th we received the first vaccination. We received the Moderna vaccine. We were very aware that the second vaccine is the one that seems to cause people the most trouble with difficult symptoms. Because of this understanding, after getting the vaccination, we drove through a place and got dinner. Then we went home and shut down for the next two days. Friday we only had sore arms.

Saturday, March 13, 2021, was the hardest day. That said, it was not as bad as some people describe it. Claude gave us each Tylenol in the morning and again at night. That helped some with the soreness. We were both wiped out and tired, we felt feverish or cold, sort of like getting the flu would feel. We sat in our living room all day and watched television, crocheted, colored, etc. We both took a nap in the middle of the day. I am not a napper so that is a good indication of how I felt. Then we went to bed easily at night. We ate light foods as we weren't really hungry.

Sunday, March 14, 2021, we slept until we wanted to get out of bed. I believe Claude woke up feeling perkier than I felt. I was still feeling like I was getting the flu. Claude set up the Zoom meeting on his laptop and we attended Church that way and then did our reading. Claude laid down for his Sunday afternoon nap that he really enjoys. I went to the guest room and curled up with my book. I didn't sleep but enjoyed the quiet time to read. In the afternoon, I wrote Papa a letter. We really stayed resting the remainder of Sunday but I could physically feel that I was feeling more perky and ready to assume normal activity levels again.

Sunday was also Aubrey Anne's birthday. She wants to be called Bre. I really loved the name she was given and still call her Aubrey. We took her birthday gifts to her on our Michigan trip. I posted this on Facebook for her birthday.

Today we wish our middlest grandmonster a very Happy Birthday!! Love ya bunches, Bre Thompson!!
Monday, March 15,2021, I had another phone call with AT&T. We are still having issues with our router showing all green lights indicating all is well with the Internet. However, my laptop will drop off the Internet, my Kindle will drop off the Internet, the Ring doorbell will drop off the Internet. All the green lights show we should have Wifi on all the devices, yet we do not. I called AT&T in October, in January and now again in March. I spoke with a nice young man who could tell by their records that we were getting intermittent signal. He went though the same things that the other two people helped me with. Then he said he would send a technician out on Tuesday afternoon. He would check all the wires and equipment for DSL that is outside of our home first. Then, for $99, we could have him come in if he finds nothing outside. 

On Saturday, we received a letter in the mail from Signature HealthCare of Georgetown telling me they were going to start letting people make appointments for visiting in person with the residents at the nursing home. Monday morning I made a call to Glen Redmon to request an appointment to visit with Papa. I left a message on Glen's personal line. While I didn't talk with Glen on Monday, I knew that I was in the queue as Glen is very reliable and cares deeply about the residents and their families. 

Monday afternoon Claude and I drove to Georgetown in a blinding rain. A friend had a book to give away that I wanted so we stopped first there to get that book. Then on to the nursing home to leave a treat bag for Papa. I was prepared to fill the birdfeeder but didn't want to do that in the pouring rain so I left that for Tuesday. Then Claude and I drove through Burger King for a bite of dinner. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, I thought (operative word here is 'thought') I had an ophthalmologist appointment with Dr. Richardson at 10:45am. I put a bag of birdseed in my car Monday afternoon and I also loaded a small box of items to go to Goodwill. I drove in to Georgetown in a dense fog. Literally, the sky was full of fog. I opted to drive Hwy 25 this time instead of I-75. About halfway to Georgetown, I realized I never got the text message or phone call from the doctor's office reminding me of this visit. I was supposed to go in February and called to move that date. We canceled my appointment and made the new one for Tuesday, March 16th. When I got to Dr. Richardson's office, I called in to be sure of their current protocol about entering with Covid-19. The receptionist looked and assured me I didn't have an appointment. I explained it was a reschedule of a February appointment and asked if she had the ability to search to see when they had me rescheduled thinking maybe I entered the wrong date. She said she had no appointments for me through the end of the year. Hmmmm...I am guessing they canceled the February and didn't get the new one saved correctly in their computer. Not a problem. We rescheduled me for May.

I did fill Papa's birdfeeder while in Georgetown. When I peeked in his window, he was asleep under the blanket I gave him for Christmas. He always looks so frail when I see him like that. Then I dropped off the Goodwill items and treated myself to a biscuit from Bojangles. I called Claude and told him my situation and asked if there were any other errands he needed done in Georgetown before I came home. Nope. None at all. So I enjoyed a leisurely drive back to Sadieville. The best part about this outing for me was that I actually felt like it was before Covid-19. It felt like life was back to the old normal again. That was a very good feeling!

When I got home, Glen returned my call. We set up an appointment for me to see Papa Thursday at 3pm. We went through the particulars. Papa and I will wear masks. We'll sit 6 feet apart. We can't touch. I can't bring him food but I could bring him other things. We'll have about 20 minutes to visit. I explained to Glen that Claude and I had received our second vaccination. I knew that it would be effective after a two week time period. Glen said that after that two weeks, he is hoping they will let me take Papa out for a drive. He will work on that. Can you imagine? Papa has been inside for an entire year and that will be his first time out of that building. The joy that will give him is over-the-top.  Then I notified family so they could send me any messages they would like to get to Papa and I could print and take them to him. This news made my heart light!!

The AT&T Technician came in the afternoon. He first checked everything from the DSL box in Sadieville to our home. He only found a problem on Railroad Street across Eagle Creek from us. No exterior issues with lines for us. Then he came into our home with a new router. He tested and worked with the old router. It seems that, even though we had a signal, it is not getting to the places it is sending the signal. Then he replaced the old router with a new router that is exactly like the old router. We had a nice long conversation about DSL and the fact it is on the way out of existence. By the time he left we had Wifi on our phones, laptops and Kindles. We were to wait about four days and then call if the Internet was not working. After he left, we held that signal for several hours. Then it was back to no signal, then signal, then no signal. Technology is maddening!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, is our Andie's birthday. We took her birthday presents to her when we had lunch with Andie and the Mini's before our Michigan trip. I posted this on Facebook.

This amazing mother is our middle child. She celebrates her birthday today. We want to wish Andie Christensen Marx a very Happy Birthday!! Love ya bunches!!
Claude and I enjoyed a run to Hardee's for a biscuit for breakfast. Such a fun treat for ourselves. 

I sit this afternoon fighting my laptop and the Internet. It has dropped twice while trying to do this Blog entry. Goodness. 

I can feel the Covid-19 virus lessening its grip on us. That is a good feeling. Things will not be like they were before we experienced this pandemic. But we are beginning to have a bit more freedom of movement in a guarded kind of way. I will take that. 

Okay, I'm going to end this entry with some cute pictures of my great grandmonsters. First, Raelyn. She had taken on the challenge of reading 100 books. When she finished that, the reward was a free book. This sequence of pictures is Raelyn getting her free book. How precious is that? Our little girl is growing up in a good way.
Then we end with Raelyn's little sister, Emelia. Please note she is wearing her socks. Just not on her feet. Socks must have been made for hands!! Go ahead. Chuckle. I still am!
Now, while I am still enjoying Wifi on my laptop, I must quickly get today's letter typed and printed for Papa. You see, if I have no Internet, I have no printer!! Technology!! I'm getting way to old for these games.

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