Monday, May 4, 2009

'Days of the Week' (not underwear!!) Poem...

Do you read Mother Goose to your children? It was a favorite when I read to my kids 30+++ years ago. One of my favorites as a child was the 'Days of the Week' poem about a child's day of birth. For some reason this Monday morning that is what popped into my head. So I Googled the first line of the poem in hopes of finding a copy of it. The first website I found had the poem and also a place to put in your birthdate information so you can find the day of the week in which you were born. Then this lovely author put a description of your day of the week so you would know what it meant. explanation for Mother Goose!! I really like the positive spin she places on the explanation of each of these days of the week. is the link for this cute little website: It turns out Bethany Roberts write children's books and uses animals as the characters in the stories. A cursory glance at her books makes me think they might be a fun purchase for kids. Here is the poem: Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go, Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for a living, But the child born on the Sabbath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay. I was born on Sunday, July 30, 1950. Claude was born on Tuesday. Nissa was born on Friday. Todd I cannot compute because I do not have the year of his birth yet. Andie was born on Saturday. Michael was born on Friday. Jake was born on Friday. Katelyn was born on Monday. Paul was born on Wednesday. Aubrey Anne was born on Saturday. Hayden was born on Saturday. Bailey was born on Thursday. There, another tidbit of my past enjoyment. Have a very merry Monday!!

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