Friday, July 23, 2010

A Little Rain & A Little Fun Make a Great Day...

Thursday was a full Miss Katelyn off to work, checked the eMail stuff and then had a really nice visit with my Visiting Teacher and her two little girls. She brought me fresh corn from her garden. We visited in the basement this time so the girls could enjoy the toy closet.

Then Katelyn came home from work and we made the final preparations for our journey to Shelbyville. Claude and Katelyn had been down to the park by the sewer plant. There is a set of park playground equipment that had been given to Sadieville and they were assessing the ability to put it all together. They brought home a bag full of nuts and bolts and who know what all else. Katelyn was covered in mud. Claude was clanking all kids of metal stuff in my kitchen sink trying to get the dirt and mud off of it. It was a very noisy time in our household.

Katelyn and I left a little after 2:30pm. We fed my little red Buick at the Pilot station. Then headed to Frankfort to Buffalo Trace Distillery. We are running low on Dr. McGillicuddy's Root Beer and that is the only place to get it. We quickly made that purchase along with more bourbon scented candles for Nissa and Jake and then we were off to Shelbyville.

I went down Hwy 127 over to Hwy 60. Then stayed on Hwy 60 to Shelbyville. This would have been the old Federal highway before there was an I-64 to make the trip. It is a pleasant drive, the speed limit is a little slower (55 most of the time) but it took me straight to the intersection where the Taco Bell was located. That is where we were to meet Andie, Hayden and Bailey for dinner and the exchange of ownership of Katelyn for a couple of days.

As we drove on Hwy 60 I had on my sunglasses. I commented to Katelyn, "Is it just these sunglasses or is the sky looking darker in the distance?" Katelyn assured me the sky was getting darker. Sure enough, we ran into the mother of all rain storms. The change in temperature made the windows fog up so we quickly turned on the defroster to clear that up, set the wipers to hyper-speed and slowed way down to just keep moving. The car in front of us did the same and turned on their emergency flashers. Katelyn asked if we should pull off the road. I told her we would just try to keep moving for now.

We made it through and got to Taco bell about 25 minutes early. Yeah us!! Katelyn ran across the parking lot to Kroger to see if they had any flipflop sandals. She did find some but they only had ones with skulls on them. What is that all about?

The mini-Marx's came into Taco Bell and I got the most wonderful, big, strong hugs. The kind that delight a Gramma to pieces. Hayden began to share his knowledge of all the wonders of the world and outer space. Bailey was the cutest 'horsey' with pink fingernails and purple toe nails. It was a good dinner together. We learned this time that Hayden and Bailey like Chalupas. Then the Marx van headed to LaGrange and I headed back to Frankfort.

I attended the Frankfort Ward Relief Society's Christmas in July meeting. It was truly a wonderful evening with these ladies. We made jars of cookie mix and we made rice warmers for our hands. Both very easy projects and lots of fun. I met several ladies I did not know and had great conversations with them. I was able to visit with some ladies I do know and catch up. I got some great ideas for fun and unique places to eat when we go to St. Louis. The visit was finished with refreshments of watermelon balls & grapes, dinner rolls, and a homemade lemon sherbet that was soooooo good. I just want to thank Frankfort Ward for inviting me. It was a delightful time.

Then it was back to Sadieville with a stop at Wendy's for a Frosty for the Big Guy.

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