Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Getting to & Enjoying New Year's Eve...

Wednesday, December 29th was my dental cleaning. Now, isn't that exciting!!!

Papa was under the weather. He's been that way a lot this winter. So I hurried to his apartment after my dental appointment and picked up a DVD of country music to play for the residents at the nursing home in lieu of our singing. Glen, the chaplain for the nursing home, helped me get it set up. Everyone really enjoyed the music. Miss Cannon kept telling me, "Mr. Lawrence told me to come down and watch this today." She even called the administrator for the nursing home over and asked her to turn her wheel chair a bit so she could see better. Then she assured her that Papa told her she needed to come down and watch to this DVD. The administrator turned around and we shared a grin over it. After the DVD was finished, Miss Cannon said, "I really like that country music."

Thursday, December 30th Claude and I went to the Bodley-Bullock House in Lexington for a wedding reception. This is a historic residence. Inside the entry and over the huge front door there is a section of the wall that is uncovered so you can see the brick work over it. At one point there was a window there and one of the owners filled it in. The spiral staircase in the entry is just gorgeous.

Friday, December 31st was time to enjoy our traditional New Year's Eve activity. Claude fixed tacos and wings. We hauled our food and snack to the basement. I set up my crochet station. Then Claude started our movie marathon. We watched all of the Lord of the Rings series back to back. We start at 6pm and finish at 3am. Great fun. Good food. It's just a great way to welcome a new year.

Now we were officially ready to begin 2011!!!

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