Sunday, May 6, 2012

Derby Day...

Ah...the Kentucky Derby. A momentous occasion each year on the first Saturday in May. We are even cautioned that we plant around that day. We can be pretty sure there will be no more frosts after Derby Day. This year we would make a family day of it at our home in Sadieville.

Bailey, who loves all things horse, packed a special princess dress to wear. She also brought her pink capris to wear under said dress. The capris are important because they have little horse heads embroidered all over them. Bailey woke up Saturday morning, realized it was Derby Day and promptly headed to her suitcase to dress a true 'Kentucky Girl' getting ready for the Derby. I had a big hat and Bonnie had given her some flower barrettes. With all this regalia our little lady was looking great. She is truly a 'Southern Girl' without any shoes. Love it!!
We had a super cloudy damp morning. Bailey played on the deck and I took the opportunity to wipe down half of my deck railing. Bailey helped a bit and then her attention called her to the patio below.

I finally saw the sun try to come out and suggested to Hayden that we go on to the park and play before any real rain storms came. He hurried off to clear that plan with Andie. He was very anxious to ride his bike around the park path some more. Pretty soon we were all in the cars and headed to Sadieville's park.

Bailey truly favors the teeter-totter. When she couldn't get Hayden to play, Claude drew the lucky straw to come and pump the other end of the teeter-totter.  However, Bailey still cracked me up with other antics. Note the foot on the wall of the fort after she climbed up the outside of the fort and shimmed over the wall in her lovely dress. Note the need to climb between the swings instead of enjoying just one swing. Note Pa (aka Claude) allowing her to stand on the tops of his white shoes as she instructs him to walk.
Hayden was a good big brother and spent some time on the teeter-totter with his little sister. This was laced with a bit of brotherly logic and advice. 
Hayden also surprised all of us and even himself a bit, I believe, by going across the monkey bars all my himself. I managed to get it on tape three times and another on my cell phone. I was able to send the cell phone version to Michael. He was a happy dad to see his son working out on the monkey bars.
After enjoying the playground and bike path and before those ominous clouds turned into a real thunderstorm, Andie, Hayden, Bailey and I went for a quick walk up the hill behind the playground. This path has fascinated me and I've never walked it before. We didn't go too far as the grass was tall and we were not dressed for that kind of hike. But it afforded us a lovely view of the entire playground.

I was even able to find a few interesting pictures in the rocks and weeds growing on this hill.
Claude called me over to where the water was creating a small waterfall out of the rocks. We had a good bit of rain that caused this. We were delighted Bailey and Hayden played in it with sticks and didn't get dirty!!
After the park we hurried back to our home and enjoyed a bite of lunch.

Papa came out in the afternoon after feeding Mimi lunch and going for a short car ride. Papa was treated to a viewing of the slideshow of Bailey's pre-school class throughout the school year. This slideshow was made as a Mother's Day present. Then Hayden read Papa his book. The book is made up of stories written by each of the kids in his class and a picture drawn by the author of each story to represent his story. This is a hard-bound book and will be a very nice treasure of Hayden's 1st grade year.
We had fruit smooties in the afternoon. Andie and I both agreed they are a wonderful way to clean out some stuff in your fridge and freezer. Andie brought strawberries she was afraid would ripen too much while she was gone. I had half a bag of frozen raspberries. I also had a container of mixed fruit yogurt and some Tin Roof Sundae ice cream to toss in the mix. A little milk to thin all this and we had some pretty tasty smoothies.

Throughout the day the television would be on with races being held and commentary leading up to the Derby race. Claude grilled burgers and hot dogs and we ate just before the race. It was great because the sky cleared and we all sat on the deck to eat. Love eating on the deck. Some of us picked who we thought might win. None of those guesses was the winner. It was a great race and we all enjoyed watching it.

The Mini's brought a movie they really wanted to watch so they were given the big TV on which to watch it and the adults watched Seabiscuit upstairs.

We ended the day by all heading outside to look at the Super Moon.
It was a full and very nice Derby Day in Sadieville, Kentucky.

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