Friday, November 16, 2012


I'm bursting with joy and just need to share...

Last night's Institute class was so wonderful. We studied John 9-12. I felt strongly impressed to have the young adults prepare and teach John 9-11. Each chapter has its own story and teaching and was a perfect fit for this type of classroom learning. 

Chapter 9 contains the account of the Savior healing the blind man and draws a wonderful comparison between a blind man gaining not only physical sight but a testimony of the Savior, thus his spiritual sight as well, and the others who had all the training they could want in the scriptures and the law and still were blind to the truth.

Chapter 10 contains the parable of the shepherd caring for his sheep and draws the parallel between the Savior and the shepherd. Jesus states "I am the shepherd", "I am the door" and clearly states his role as our Savior.

Chapter 11 contains the account of Lazarus being raised from the dead. This also clearly shows the role of the Savior as having power over life and death and his tender love for others. It is the chapter that contains that short verse, "Jesus wept".

I did my usual preparation as though I would teach. The end result was a page of questions, quotes, background information, and ideas for each of these chapters. I made six copies of each of these three 3 pages.

The first half hour of class we talked about scripture reading and tracking our reading. Since we are closing in on the end of our semester, we also covered the 75% attendance requirement for credit.

The 2nd half hour we divided the class into three groups. We put two tables against each other to make one large table and had each group sit around their set of two tables. I gave each group the set of six copies of helps for their particular chapter and assigned one of the young adults at their table responsibility for the group. They were then told to read the chapter and prepare with their reading and helps to teach the rest of the class for 10 minutes. Then I told them they could begin.

The most beautiful thing happened. Each of those three tables, with a total of twenty young people in the class ,started their reading and preparation. For thirty full minutes they all read, shared feelings, discussed the notes I gave them, asked questions among themselves and answered those questions and prepared their lessons. As I watched and listened, I was so touched and amazed. Some of those assigned to be the leader deferred to others to do the actual teaching. They were enjoying their 30 minutes to be immersed in the scriptures together.

Then each group took their ten minutes to share. It was such a moving, spirit-filled half hour of them teaching each other. They asked others to read, they asked questions, they shared the things they learned from each other, they even shared personal experiences that fit with their chapter. The spirit was so strong.

After they completed their teaching, I thanked them profusely for filling my cup. Then we all had them turn to John 12 and I asked them to listen and feel and then be prepared to share any insight they gained as I read. I explained that the Savior was bearing witness of himself and his relationship with his Father. I read the verses I selected previously and they listened. Then they shared a few tender comments.

Shirley Akemon offered a most touching closing prayer.

We all felt the Spirit. Every one of us. It was a huge blessing to me and confirmed again to me my testimony of the power and strength of immersing ourselves in a study of the scriptures.

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