Monday, January 13, 2014

Meet Your Teacher...

Not many things are as cute a children with a genuine smile on their face.  Saturday, January 4th, we saw lots of those.

As a Primary presidency we felt it important to have an event before the 2014 Primary year began that would allow the Primary teacher and the children in their classes to meet each other and get to know each other and to let the children know which room their Primary class would be.

We asked everyone to arrive at 8:50am and meet in the chapel.  I placed the signs on each bench for each classroom. As the children and teachers arrived they could find the bench for their new class.

During the little 10 minute opening we introduced the 2014 Primary theme "Families Are Forever", explained the agenda for the 30 minute activity and explained the rules for the game.

At about 9am we had the three classes that are Senior Primary (children that were 8-11 years of age by January 1st) leave the chapel with their teacher and go to their classroom. They would play a Get-to-Know-You game.  Then we dismissed the Junior Primary classes (children 3-7 years of age by January 1st) with their teachers to go to the cultural hall.  There were tables in the cultural hall with a tent card so each class would know where to sit.  There were muffins and orange juice and the children and their teachers sat at their table and visited.

After 15 minutes we rang the bell and the Senior Primary came to the cultural hall for their muffins and orange juice while the Junior Primary children followed their teachers to their classrooms and played the Get-to-Know-You game.

The Get-to-Know-You game was a simple one with Fruit Loops in sandwich bags. One bag for each child and each teacher.  The teachers were given a card with instructions for playing the game and a color coded question to match the colors of their Fruit Loops.  The children and teacher would take turns drawing a Fruit Loop out of their sandwich bag. The teacher would then ask them the question that was the color of their Fruit Loop.  The children and teacher would answer the question after the drew out their Fruit Loop.

It was a fun activity. I heard lots of parents very happy with their children's teacher.  I saw teachers making friends with the children they would teach.  Children were happy to have an event just for them, to play a game and eat and treat, and to get to know their new teacher. 

Here are a few pictures of the fun.

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