Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter 2014...

This year I had a new outfit. Not that, that is the most important thing about Easter. But I have one summer suit that I save and wear each Easter Sunday. That way I do not have to do that 'shopping for an Easter dress' thing. This year I wanted some new items to wear to this 'dinner season' when we have to attend a lot of functions. The shopping yielded a nice blouse with a t-shirt under it. I took one of Mimi's old skirts and shortened the hem, Mimi was taller than me, and it was a perfect match for my blouse. It was fun.

The choir sang two numbers.  I will just say we performed so much better than we did in rehearsal. I truly believe there is truth in the enabling power of the Atonement. We practiced so hard and worked so hard and when it was time to perform we were richly blessed to perform beyond our ability. It was a testimony building moment.

Primary was the highlight.  Amy Coyne, my 2nd Counselor, prepared the best sharing time lesson for the kids. She had a recipe for Easter cookies that fits with the Easter story. She used that recipe and the kids helped her prepare cookies to bake. Then Amy served them cookies she made the night before. They are yummy in their own right. Sort of like a divinity candy kind of cookie. The kids were mesmerized. Amy held their attention the entire time.  Then each child was given a sugar cookie Amy made with the recipe to take home to their parents for the special sharing time recipe lesson.  I will copy the recipe at the end of this post. 

Music time in Primary was also fun.  Kathy Alexander substituted for Amber who was home with a child with pink eye (even that sounds like an Easter illness). Kathy had the kids sing 'Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree'.  Her fun take on this classic Primary song was to have the kids sing it just like it is written the first time.  Then she had them sing with a Kentucky hills accent, then a British accent and finally like they were underwater by quickly running their pointer finger up and down over their lips while they sang.  Great fun.

After all was done, I headed to Papa's.  I would take him on a lovely drive through Kentucky trying to wake up for Spring.  There was even a colt jumping up and down in a field by his mom like a rabbit. Red bud and dogwood trees were blooming. It was just a gorgeous day and Papa totally enjoyed his ride. We found a boat ramp into the Kentucky River with a campground beside it.
We ended our drive in Frankfort for a quick ice cream treat.  Papa can't have sugar but occasionally a treat is in order. Then I took him home and headed to Sadieville to spend the rest of my Easter with my hubby.

It was a good Easter Day!! 

Now, the Easter Cookie recipe can be found at Sugardoodle.net under the Primary tab. There is a section on that page about holiday ideas and the cookie recipe is about the third idea on that list. Here is the link:  http://www.sugardoodle.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9462. 

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