Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Some April Moments with Company...

April 2014 gave us visitors in two of it's weeks.  Neffie, my youngest sister, was able to come for a couple of days to see Papa. He was very happy to have her visit. Unfortunately, Neffie and I were both suffering from whatever that was we had during her visit. We coughed and sneezed together.

The next week in April Jacob came for a visit. Jacob is our youngest child. As I type that I see how it might give a false impression. While Jake is indeed our youngest, he is a full grown man, not a little child. 

We were very happy Jacob chose to spend part of his vacation with us. He arrived Wednesday evening. I brought Papa out from Georgetown after he and I played a DVD at the nursing home.  This gave Jake time to visit with Papa and all of us to enjoy a nice dinner, prepared by Claude, together.

Thursday, April 17th we took Jake to Keeneland.  It was such a lovely afternoon watching beautiful horses run and eating barbecue in the grandstands.  On the way home we made a stop for ice cream. 

Friday, April 18th, Jake wanted to make a drive through the mountains of eastern Kentucky. He made this drive by himself allowing him time to hike a bit and pause to reflect. He showed me the video he took.  Jake has a Papa gene that likes to walk out to the very edge of a high point with no barrier and look down and around. This can give a mother a bit of heart trouble, even if that son is full grown and knows what he is doing. Loved the video and the selfie Jake took.
He had a wonderful time and made it home in time to join Claude and me for the Annual Chamber of Commerce dinner in Lexington.

This date was also Jacob's birthday.  When he got home I had a cake baked for him, no candles, just a very special cake, a Dr. Pepper Cake.  Yummy!!!  We had a piece after Jake got home and before going to the dinner.

Claude is the president of the Scott County Chamber of Commerce this year.  He would be the keynote speaker.  Last year he was asked to announce the winner of one of the awards.  He had everyone rolling in the aisles.  Throughout this year people have been telling him how they were anxiously awaiting his speech as president. No pressure there I tell you!! Claude carefully crafted his speech as the comments from others who would attend increased.
Claude made his address at the dinner. We were rolling in the aisles.  He did say some things that were serious and profound.  The Georgetown NewsGraphic managed to get a nice article about his speech.
After the dinner, Donzetta Hughes was kind enough to take a picture of Claude, me and Jacob. 
Saturday, April 19th, Jacob headed to LaGrange to visit the Marx family. Bailey and Hayden loved having Uncle Jake around. He loved being there.  Claude and I helped weed flower beds in Sadieville and then attended a funeral for Logan Sagester.  When Jake got home we had burgers and a movie. Good evening.

It was good to have family visit in April. So grateful for this quiet spot in which we live to relax with family when they visit.

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