Sunday, April 6, 2014

How to Brighten a Sick Weekend...

Thursday evening I really started to feel bad, sore throat, coughing, achy.  I thought a good night's rest would be the trick to feeling better.  Not so.

I awoke Friday morning really sneezing and coughing.  We were to go to Keeneland for the Chamber of Commerce day at Keeneland.  Claude is the president of the Chamber of Commerce so we really felt like we needed to be there.  We headed out and I did my best. We made it through 6 races and then Claude graciously took me home where I collapsed on our love seat and fell asleep.  Claude awoke me at bedtime and I headed to the bed.  It was a very rough night.

Saturday I was taking Tylenol to stop the feverish aches and pains, drinking lots of liquid, and resting as much as I could.  

This morning, Sunday, I thought I was better. Then something gripped my tummy and I knew I was in further trouble.  I hurried upstairs and hurled my cookies big time. Yep, I was definitely not better.

I have spent all day Friday and Saturday laying down or catching up on my Blogs.  But I have found great joy in watching General Conference (4 session) and the Priesthood Session and the rebroadcast of the General Women's Meeting.  They have each provided a lift to my soul.  

After each I have posted on Facebook little thoughts or phrases that caught my attention and touched my heart.  The following are those Facebook posts.

Favorite phrases from the first session of General Conference.  (Saturday Morning)
1) "The joyful burden of discipleship." Elder Rasband
2) "The world will not glide comfortably to the 2nd Coming. " Elder Andersen.

Favorite phrases from the second session of General Conference:  (Saturday Afternoon)
1) What does the phrase "no corrupt communication" mean to you? Elder Zwick quoting Ephesians 4:29.
2) Spirit of Elijah=the Holy Ghost bearing Divine witness of the family. Elder Cook 
3) Our Family History Centers are now in our homes. Elder Cook

Thoughts from Priesthood Session of General Conference:  (Saturday)
1) Forget rights, think about responsibility. Elder Oaks 
2) Who we are is not who we can become. Elder Hallstrom
3) Agency is your power to become. Elder Ridd
4) Owning a smartphone does not make you smart. Using it wisely does. Elder Ridd 
5) Addiction: Imprisoned with straight jackets of our own making.  Pres. Uchtdorf
6) Courage not compromise brings the smile of God's approval.

Thoughts from the rebroadcast of the General Women's Meeting:  (Sunday morning)
1) Words of the music:
"We are daughters of Heavenly Father"
"Teach me to walk in the Light"
"Come, little child and together we'll learn"
"The errand of angels is given to women"
2) We are all daughters of a loving Heavenly Father which makes us sisters. Sister Oscarson
3) Hands to help and hearts to hasten the work. Sister Burton

Thoughts from the Sunday morning session of General Conference:
1) Bottle if bitterness OR Goblet of gratitude. Pres. Uchtdorf 
2) See gratitude as a way of life that stands independent of our circumstances. Pres. Uchtdorf 
3) Choose to be grateful no matter what. Pres. Uchtdorf 
4) Gratitude of the soul, not gratitude of the lips. Pres. Uchtdorf 
5) Why do we resist endings. We are made of the stuff of eternity. Pres. Uchtdorf
6) Testimonies recorded in heaven. D&C 62:3 Quoted by Elder Ballard 
7) The Lord accomplishes His miracles one prayer at a time, one person at a time. Sis. Stephens 
8) It is the load that provides traction. Elder Bednar
9) Note the centrality of covenants to deliverance. Elder Bednar
10) Love is the essence of the Gospel. Jesus Christ is our Exemplar. Pres. Monsoon
11) Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals. Pres. Monson

Thoughts from Sunday afternoon session of General Conference:
1) Things which cannot be taught but can be learned. (Instruction from on high) Pres. Packer 
2) Faith is the noble heritage of Latter-day Saints. Elder Walker 
3) Be ready to receive the gentle tug of the Spirit. Elder Perry
4) Today's complexity demands greater simplicity. Elder Perry
5) The truth will always be opposed. Elder Corbridge
6) It is critical to recognize when we have enough. Elder Teh

Now my dear hubby is preparing me something we hope will settle on my tummy for dinner. Then we will end our evening by watching James Taylor with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Isn't it interesting that in the waste of illness we find peace to our souls and strength for our spirits. 

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