Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Sleepover Tradition Continues...

First came Hayden...

Several years ago, the Mini's started coming for a few nights each to spend time with Claude and me during their summer break. Frankly, this year Andie and I had not planned that into the summer. Hayden, ever the one for remembering details, asked, "When are we going to have our sleepovers with Ma and Pa?" With those words from his heart to his mouth, we needed to fit this in some time.  We determined the 18th was the time.

Sunday the 18th, after Claude and I finished speaking for two congregations, we headed back to Shelbyville where Andie met us with Hayden. Bailey was with her and had her face magnificently painted. They had been to a festival at Creasy Farms.
We brought Hayden back with us to stay till Wednesday evening.  We stopped on the way home to visit with Papa. Hayden took an immediate liking to Papa's walker.
Monday I go to Georgetown every week to buy Papa's groceries and to clean in his apartment.  Hayden went with me on this outing. While in Kroger we found the toy department and Hayden purchased a Lego's set for his toy of this visit. He had a good time showing Papa how he put it together.  One must understand that Hayden is 10 years old and Papa is 87 years old. That is a lot of generational difference. They are just cute together. Hayden loves to share the things he loves. Papa is amazed because he has no frame of reference for these kinds of toys. They are like two old men sharing things. It is just cute to watch. Hayden also took his new tablet and showed Papa that it will take selfies of them. Papa was very surprised when that picture came up on the screen of the two of them. Another treasured moment in time.
The rest of Monday was stay and home watch a movie after having dinner. Hayden had pizza.  We enjoyed the last of the Harry Potter movies. I love these movies and am always happy when Hayden chooses one of them for us to enjoy together.

Tuesday was take Hayden out for dinner and a movie. There were two playing at the theater in Georgetown that he wanted to see. He was sure we would watch both but we were sure he needed to pick just one. Dilemma time.  "Inside Out" he saw with his family and his Gramma Joyce when she visited. He loved it. Pronounced it good for ALL ages. And really wanted to be sure we saw it. However, the new "Minions" movie was also showing. He had not seen this and it was on his 'summer movie viewing homework'.  His words. I communicated with Andie. She assured me she would take the kids to see "Minions" if he saw "Inside Out".  She would work with whatever he chose. After careful deliberation, we went to see "Minions".  

First we had dinner at Fazoli's.  Hayden had never eaten there and it seemed like a place that could satisfy all our needs. Hayden wanted pizza, Claude wanted spaghetti and I wanted the Italian sub sandwich. We enjoyed our dinner and Hayden ate all of his dinner. He kept reading a sign they had in the window. Something about cheese cake. It turns out they had a Nutella cheese cake for a special dessert for a limited time. Hayden and I got one slice for he and I to share. He could eat all he wanted and I would help finish. That was one really good and very rich cheese cake.

The movie was good. Liked the last one better. But this was okay. Hayden loved it. And, that is what is most important. 

We did manage to read a book while he visit. 

It was fun to have him with us.  However, Claude and I just need to remember that Hayden is the more sedentary of the two kids. We should always have him come last when we are worn out from all of Bailey's energy. 

Wednesday afternoon Hayden and I met Andie and Bailey at Evan's Orchard. They were going to play on the playground for a while. Then, if timing worked out, they would meet me in Georgetown for dinner.  I left Hayden with Andie and Bailey. They headed to the play ground and I went to take Papa to the nursing home to play a DVD for the residents.  I was able to connect with the Mini's and Andie at Dairy Queen for dinner. Then I went to teach Institute and Andie and the kids went to Sadieville.

Wednesday evening, after I returned from teaching Institute, the Mini's gave me my birthday gifts.  I received a gorgeous book mark, a 6-pack of a new soda (something like Dr. Pepper) and a turtle puzzle.  Bailey assured me we should make this puzzle while she was visiting. I have successfully passed the love of making puzzles gene to the next generation!! Yeah!!

Andie left and took Hayden home and we were on our own with Bailey. Bailey settled in quite nicely, creating her own 'cave-like' environment in our closet!  Such a little nugget.
Thursday found us needing to make a trip to Georgetown. We treated Bailey to lunch at Culver's which just opened. She loved her chicken strips and earned the right for a dessert. That would be a great scoop of ice cream with lots of stuff in it. Bailey pronounced Culver's a 'thumb's up' kind of place and worthy of a repeat visit.

Then off to shop at Walmart for groceries. Well, Claude shopped for groceries. I took Bailey to the toy section to pick out her small toy. This little one wants a pet at home in the worst way. She found this lovely white puppy that has a nose that lights up when the puppy is feeling sick. The accompanying medical bag is full of things to help the puppy feel better. When you pat the puppy's head the features will work for a while. If Bailey puts the bottle up to the puppies mouth his makes slurping noises and burps. If you put the handkerchief up to its nose it blows and sneezes. Quite a lot of features for a not so expensive toy. She was very, very happy with her choice an toted it everywhere while she was with us. 
That night we made things out of Lego's, watched a movie and worked on our puzzle.

Friday morning found Bailey in Claude's big red chair surrounded by her puppy and the big stuffed pink bunny I have for Easter decorations. Her tablet was on her lap as she enjoyed her breakfast. Such are the perks of being with grandparents. 

We fixed a pair of long pants we bought her for her birthday. They had a tear in the leg and the fabric was quite frayed. I cut the legs off and sewed broad rick-rack on the bottoms. Bailey loved them and now has a pair of shorts to finish out her summer. She said she will wear them to school when it starts.

I walked my treadmill. Bailey was sure she needed to do that as well. Talk about deflating my ego. She worked her way up to 3 mph, which is where I walk, then she ran and walked and bounced around like it was no big deal. I would have been pouring sweat after the first 15 minutes.  Here is our little darlin' having a great time. She wanted a picture of her stats when she finished. Of course she wanted the turtle in the picture as well. 
In the afternoon, we went to Kroger to get Papa more bananas to get him through the weekend. The to Papa's apartment for a visit. She had great fun showing him her puppy and all it's features. Then she went to the back bedroom and started playing with the instruments.  They had a great time with the mandolin, guitar and harmonicas. They did a 'dueling harmonica' kind of thing that was interesting to get through. Harmonicas are each made in a certain key. Papa has lots of harmonicas in different keys. Bailey brought out four of them. Then she asked Papa to play what she played (i.e. the pattern she played). Papa, ever the musician, tried to play what she was playing when he breathed in and with a different pattern because, in his mind, that matched. She told him, "No, I want you to play what I play after me."  She tried again, and again Papa tried to make it his version of what she was playing. I explained to him she didn't know one key from another. She just wanted him to copy her pattern of playing. He tried to explain to be what he was doing. I tried to get him to understand she was never going to get that and the key really didn't matter to her. She tried again and that time he played her pattern. She beamed and tried another pattern. It was like a kid's version of Dueling Harmonicas. Papa get a real kick out of the dynamite of a little great granddaughter. They built some fun memories.
When we got home, Bailey went to the basement and, using all the treasures she felt appropriate, made what I have named 'Baileyville'. There are the two Lego things we put together, Thomas the train gear, the big wooden dominoes Claude and I made and an assortment of other trinkets. She worked for the longest time and really did a very nice job.
In the evening, she joined Claude in watching Ghostbusters I.  I worked on the puzzle and Bailey would wander in and out and put a piece or two in for us. Then back to the movie with Claude. It was absolutely hilarious to listen to the two of them. She would carry on about the people needing to get married if someone kissed. She was sure she should not watch if it got a little scary but Claude kept her safe and she viewed on. She would comment, "That's done with animation." Just on and on. She realized there was a Ghostbusters II and really wants to see it now. 

Saturday was Bailey's last day with us. We made arrangements to meet Michael in Frankfort for the exchange. He had soccer games to referee in Masterson Station. We got Bailey's hair cut in the morning and just enjoyed time together before taking her to Michael. She was very happy to see her dad. I was very happy with Michael. He had just refereed four games of soccer in the hot sun. I knew he must be exhausted but his face lit up with his little girl and he was endlessly patient with her wiggles and enthusiasm. So fun to watch a father be so good to his little girl.

I finished the puzzle Sunday morning. One piece was missing. Can't find it anywhere. Can you see where it is missing? 
Tuesday, July 28th, I received an eMail from Andie with this attachment. Bailey set to work that day and drew a Ghostbusters picture for us. How sweet is that? 
We have successfully navigated a week with the Mini's. Next up, in August, is Aubrey Anne for a week!!

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