Thursday, April 7, 2016

A New Technology Adventure...

Our first born grandmonster, Katelyn, sent me a message a few weeks ago. She was going to have an Usborne Books Party over the Internet. She wanted to invite me but she wanted to be sure that was okay. She assured me I could respond with a 'maybe' and be able to order without actually being a part of the on-line party. I assured her that would be okay and I responded 'maybe' when the event was published on Facebook. 

Tonight was the night. It was to begin at 9pm. I came down to my sewing/craft/lesson preparation/everything I needed it to be room and opened Facebook. Soon I got the little light at the top of Facebook indicating I had and message. It was the opening of the event. And I was off on another interesting adventure.

The lady with Usborne Books would send us all a Facebook notice. Each was numbered in consecutive order so you knew where you were if you had to refer back. Most had someone doing a YouTube video about a different type of book (i.e. Big Books, Activity Books, 1,000 Books, See Inside Books, etc.). These videos each lasted different amounts of time. 

While the videos were playing I opened up the link to their sales website and started looking at things. Then I realized I never asked Katelyn what she might want for Raelyn. Goodness. 

I grabbed my cellphone and sent her a text message asking for suggestions for Raelyn. She sent me a text back with a couple of possibilities. I looked at them and they seemed great. So I put them in the shopping cart. 

Then I started to search for Bailey. All the time I'm clicking over to the Facebook thing when their video is talking about something that might fit my age grandmonsters. I noticed something about a 'story time app' available with some books. Hmmm...I wanted to understand that. I posted a message on the Facebook event going on and the lady responded that it is an app that can be downloaded to tablets for those who use them to read. I checked one on their sales website and it appeared to have stuff for iPads. Skip that.

Back to searching. Back to messaging with Katelyn. Back to watching bits of videos and reading the Facebook posts by the lady running the on-line party. I even kept Facebook open on my cell phone so I could check Facebook messages without stopping the videos on my laptop. 

There were things going on to get you to make comments. Each of your comments earned you points toward a free book. There was a point where you were asked to ask the leader of the party how that works. Each question earned you points toward that free book for someone. We were even asked how we store books for easy reading. This too earned you points for that free book someone would receive. 

I finally found a table on the sales website in all this flipping back and forth that gave you books by age brackets. This narrowed the search for Hayden and Bailey. I ended up finding a series of book about a dog that is a detective. It was for kids in Bailey's age range. Bailey is a lover of all animals so this just might be right up her alley. I found the first one in the series and put the paperback one in my shopping cart. Then I found a series of books that I thought Hayden might find interesting and ordered him the paperback copy of the first one. That was it for my ordering.

Next I sent a message to the leader of the party on Facebook asking if I needed a login to place this order. How was I to be sure the credit was going to Katelyn. She sent me a link. I opened it and my shopping cart was right there with my items. I checked out and received a prompt eMail saying they had my order and it should be here with standard delivery in 2-3 weeks. Voila!!

It was an very new experience for me. Katelyn sent me a thank you text for participating. I sent her a text explaining how many digital things I was looking at the entire time. It really took a lot out of this old brain to keep that stuff all going. I know I wasn't as fast as some of the young sprouts who were popping messages to get that free book. But I was hanging in there with them anyway.

It was a fun adventure, a learning adventure, a helpful adventure for my grandmonsters and great grandmonster, and I feel fulfilled and suddenly tired. Night!

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