Sunday, February 10, 2019

February 1 to Date...

No photo description available.Friday, February 1, 2019 Katelyn posted in our family Facebook page the announcement that our next great grandmonster will be a girl. Yippee!! This will happen in May. I've almost ruined my hand crocheting the baby afghan she requested. Will post a picture when it is finished. Puppies and flowers people. Lots of puppies and lots of flowers. Lots of time only given because we love so much.

Saturday, February 2, 2019 Claude and I traveled to LaGrange in the afternoon. Double duty this weekend. 

First, Bailey has a birthday in February. We would observe her birthday on Saturday while we were there. To say she was happy we were trekking to LaGrange might be an understatement. Andie sent me this picture as we drove over. Bailey sent us a text to check our progress on arrival time. She said she sent it because she knew it would play out loud in my car. I replied with a text that said she was a clever chick maiden for doing that. She replied, "I don't know what that is, but I am that!" Love this girl to pieces. I explained Northern Exposure to her when we arrived at the Marx home and how Shelly would use that term. I liked it a started using it. 

Here are a couple of pictures of our Savagely Quirky girl opening presents. The traditional Girl Scout cookies of her choosing and a Sadieville t-shirt. 
Second reason for this trip was to take Hayden to see the Star Wars movie while the Louisville Orchestra plays the music. These are such fun outings. Hayden had special clothes he chose to wear. Our young man looks a little GQ to me for sure. 
Please look closely in this picture to find Claude photo bombing.  
As the Louisville Orchestra warmed up, I noticed the two violins to the right of the conductor's stand. Their bows are lit up red and green like light sabers. Can you tell these are fun events?  
Hayden really enjoyed this experience. I am sure if other Star Wars movies come out with the Louisville Orchestra we will be taking him to them as well. Not a problem at all.

Sunday, October 3rd, it needs to be on the record that I did not fall asleep in Church. (See previous post). 

Monday, February 4th, I finished all the pieces for the baby afghan. I put together one of the puppies. Then I sent a text to Drew and Katelyn with these pictures so they could see how cute this is going to be. Many, many, many more hours to get this done. There are 32 of the puppies to be put together. Then all the motifs have to be stitched together and border crocheted around the edge. But it sure felt good to be at this point with this project.
This day I also got a picture of our youngest great grandmonster, Nelson. Look at this grin!! He looks so much like his Mother at this age. 
Tuesday evening, February 5th, Claude and I went to the Bishop's Council for the Stake to share more with them about the Self-Reliance Initiative. It went very well. Brother and Sister Horwinski explained a great resource for them at and visually showed them how they could use it. We requested they share their resources to be added to this data base and that they invite us to do a ward training with their Relief Society presidencies and their Elder's Quorum presidencies. Claude also gave out Foundation Principles manuals and a sheet explaining how the Self-Reliance Initiative helps in all our ministering efforts. It was good information and timely for these bishops.

Thursday, February 7th, Claude and I attended a class on Elder Care Law at the Scott County Library. It was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce for Scott County. Very informative. Learned a few things. Now we need to decide what we need to apply to us as we age and prepare better for that eventuality.

Friday, February 8th, some not very amazing things happened. I went to Tyra and she cut my hair and then I came home and cut Claude's hair. Isn't that just fascinating. That evening we took our team's first turn of 2019 cleaning the Church. In between I spent my time visiting Papa at the nursing home. We do live a riveting life!!

Saturday, February 9th, I took Papa for a nice car ride. We drove the back roads that are really only wide enough for one car. I haven't done those roads in a while because of flooding and cold weather which makes for ice on those roads under the trees. Saturday we very cold, only in the high 20's, but it was a nice day not preceded by rain or snow so I felt safe about the surface of the roads. I go with a prayer for safety and a constant prayer as I drive them. They are beautiful to travel but come with a high risk factor. 

Today is Sunday. I again did not fall asleep in Church. It has been a good day. Awoke at 7am to get showered and ready for Church. Claude and I then spent our hour studying before heading to Church. There was ice coming down as we drove in but the roads stayed passable. Visited Papa after and then came home to complete this Blog entry. Now I am all caught up. Until the next time...

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