Monday, March 4, 2019

Starting March with Travel...

A little back story will help with the need for this quick trip to Michigan.

I made crocheted table cloths for each of my girls. Took tons of time and lots of love but they each now have a treasure their mother made just for them. However, Jake does not need a table cloth. What to do for our son?

I had an embroidery kit that was a window designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. I love his designs. I purchased this kit at a home he designed and built called Falling Waters. It was the best I had that would make a manly gift. I worked diligently so I could give it to Jake this last Christmas. When the needlework was complete, I told Claude I wanted a white frame that looked like a window frame. And, I wanted it to have matting to cover the edges of the needlework. Claude was headed to Lexington and took on the challenge of finding the right frame. He did and we both felt very good about the piece of artwork for Jake.

Now, this piece was long and narrow with glass covering it. I did not want it to break in shipping. When Bonnie came to visit, I wrapped this gift and we took it on our Michigan run. As soon as we got to Jake's, he took the wrapped Christmas gift into his home in case he didn't come to Kentucky for Christmas. Gift was safe in Chelsea, Michigan. This was September 2018.

Jake did come to Kentucky for Christmas. He brought his unwrapped gift back to Kentucky to be opened on Christmas morning. Jake stayed in the guest room and leaned the present against the wall by the window. We opened presents on Christmas morning and never noticed that gift was not opened. 

After everyone left for their homes, I went into the guest room to change the linens on the bed. Leaning against the wall where Jake placed it was the Christmas gift. Jake was well on his way to Michigan by now. I sent him a text and explained what I found. He had a lot of laughs about it. We decided we would meet for lunch somewhere in the middle in Ohio and give him this gift. 

Alas, it took until this previous weekend before the weather was okay and we were free and Jake was free to meet up. We decided I would visit Papa Friday morning. Then Claude and I would head to Chelsea Friday at noon in hopes of having dinner with Jake Friday evening. And we were off...

We got stuck in traffic at the Maumee River in Ohio. The land around it was covered in driftwood covered with enormous chucks of ice. There is a very wide flood plain there and it really looked other worldly. It must have flooded with all the rain and then froze. It has stayed cold enough the water receded an was back within the banks of the Maumee River leaving huge chucks of ice and lots of drift wood still along the banks.
Jake's plans for Friday evening had been to attend a talent show put on by the Chelsea Ward (congregation). He had invited his neighbor, Max, to attend with him. Max bowed out but Claude and I were happy to attend this function with Jake. We had time to pop into Jimmy John's and enjoy a nice sandwich for dinner before going to the church.

The talent show was lots of fun. The first act was a mom swinging her toddler upside down and calling him a pendulum. The baby was very happy and when we applauded he really liked it even more. The mother then handed the baby to a friend and she went to the piano, laid down on her back, crossed her hand over her head and played a hymn that way. Have not seen that done since the movie Amadeus. There were piano numbers, guitar/vocal numbers, a unicycle, violins, oboes, quilts on display, artwork on display, balloons bouncing over people's heads. Great fun was had by all and plenty of refreshments to carry on through the evening. They stopped right after 8:30pm and we hurried back into the cold to our hotel. 

At the hotel, Jake share picture and video of his trip to Florida. AND...Jake opened his Christmas present!!
So much fun. We had fun chatting and catching up. Jake had a SpaceX launch he wanted to be up at 2:30am to see. So we stopped about 11pm and decided we would all have a late start Saturday morning.

Saturday we met at Jake's apartment about 10:30am. We visited there until the Mexican restaurant opened and we went there for an splendid lunch. We have never had a bad meal at this place and this time we all ordered well again. 

We took Jake back to his apartment and then we headed home. It was so nice to visit with Jake. 
I believe I could get used to starting each month with a trip. Even if it is just an overnight trip.

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