Sunday, August 11, 2019

Lessons from a Rock Wall...

All over Kentucky you will find these rock walls. They are a part of Kentucky history and are all protected. To be repaired requires a dry stone mason with particular skills. These walls are beautiful and add to ones enjoyment of the Kentucky countryside. I love them. They tell me they come from an Irish background. We did see some when in Ireland near the Cliffs of Moher. Needless to say, the ground on which Kentucky rests in limestone. Lots and lots of limestone. So finding these rocks is not an issue. Using them for walls is just amazing. 

In Georgetown, Kentucky they are extending the by-pass around the outside of Georgetown a bit more. This will go through fields. This picture was taken across from the fire and emergency station on Hwy 25. The extension will cross over here and provide access to I-75. When clearing the land in this field, a rock wall that had fallen into great disrepair was found. Since these are protected by law, the wall had to be fixed. But, it was also in the path of where the new road will go. So, the rocks were all collected and are being restored down the road a bit from where the new road will go. The wall will be there again in all its beauty, just a little further down the road. 

I marveled at all this effort to protect history. I appreciate all this effort to protect history. My mind reflects as I pass this location each day to go visit Papa and return home on the times I have seen the people of the world destroy that which is part of history because it offends them in some way. It goes against their current belief so they tear it down, deface it, try to erase that bit of history as though it never occurred. I remember seeing pictures of ISIS destroying ancient structures and I ached. I don't believe as those people believed who built thought magnificent buildings and pieces of art. But they are a part of our world history. I believe strongly we need to learn from them. I know we found faces scratched out of art when we visited Egypt. I have seen statues moved that are part of our American history. While things have been done that were not right, we still need to know they happened and learn from those errors so we don't repeat that. If it is erased, it will be easier to forget in time and repeat errors. This is my soap box and it is where I will stand on this matter. 

I am grateful for the work being done to preserve these rocks in a beautiful wall, to keep our heritage alive, to remember and improve and be better with each day of our lives. Lessons from a Rock Wall.

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