Friday, August 9, 2019

Little Moments to Remember...

Thursday, July 18th, while weeding our front flower bed, I came upon this treasure. Yuck!!
Saturday, July 20th. Claude fell as we were finding our seats for the Oldham County Days Parade. Remember this, it fits with a later post.

Sunday, July 21st we were asked to speak in the Winchester Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My talk was on Managing Money. I'll share this in a later post.

I heard someone speak about the Polyanna movie and I remembered loving that movie a lot. I came home and ordered it from Walmart. It arrived and I posted this picture to my kids stating they would watch it with me and also watch Heidi. Good stories and good lessons in those stories. 
Monday, July 22nd through Friday, July 26th Bailey attended 4-H Camp. She really loves this experience. This is her 3rd year to attend and she plans to continue participating. No pictures of this.

Saturday, July 27th, Katelyn gave us a packet with a few pictures of their family. Enclosed in that packet was this sweet picture. This is Emelia's foot print. Emelia was born April 30th so this is her 3 month foot print. The hand print is Raelyn. She was born January 22nd, 2016 so this is her 3 year and 6 month hand print. What a treasure!
Monday, July 29th through Thursday, August 1st Hayden attended the Oldham County High School Band Camp each day from 8:30am to 8:30pm. Very intensive to get them ready to march on the football field when those games start. This is Hayden's first year in the high school marching band and it is fun to watch them get all those kids to know where to be as they march on the field. These three pictures Andie retrieved from the school band website. In the first Hayden is on the back row in the orange cap. In the second he is in the band room with the red shirt. In the last he is in the center of the picture with a blue shirt and shorts.
Monday, July 29th, Katelyn posted this fun picture on Facebook. Drew was playing with Emelia and got this fun picture of her grinning. She is a doll and all that hair!!
My 69th birthday was Tuesday, July 30th. We visited the Marx family that day. After we got home, Claude handed me this card. Bailey made it and gave it to him to quietly give to me when I got home. Not before. Only when I got home. She writes: "Happy BDay Ma! From your Grandchild Version 1.2 - Bailey." And she drew a turtle for me. Melts my heart. Sent her a thank you text right away. Love this girl.
We were up to our necks with getting Bonnie to family. Each of the kids gave me very thoughtful gifts. On Wednesday the 31st, Claude and I found time for just the two of us to try out a new restaurant in Georgetown. It is named Broussard's Delta Kitchen. Man was this food good. They have Cajun and Creole cuisine. Back to my roots. Good stuff and we will return.
Thursday, August 1st, I spent my morning first visiting Dr. Wilson. He is our dermatologist. I had something growing on my check under my right eye and didn't want another Moh's surgery. My next scheduled visit with him was not until January so I called to see if he could see it really quickly. He did and pronounced it a tiny wart. Of all things. I have had a wart on the back of my foot at the base of my big toe before but never on my face. This does not bode well for me. I asked him not to remove it until we took our vacation so we scheduled an appointment for a few weeks from this visit. Remember this, it will figure in a later post.

When I finished with Dr. Wilson, I hurried to the nursing home to take Papa on a car ride. When I got up that morning there was news on about a gas pipeline exploding. I determined to find a route that would not take us there. We had a nice ride in an easterly direction. 

Bailey is in her second year of Oldham County Middle School Cross Country. She really wanted spikes to wear this year. She wanted them last year but her parents said she needed to prove she would stick with it first. Claude overheard a conversation regarding this and quietly asked me about possibly buying spikes for Bailey. I totally agreed. I looked on line to find out about them and their cost. Then we approached Andie and explained what we wanted to do if it would fit with their family plans. Don't want to overstep as grandparents you know. She was happy about that as Bailey also needed another shoe for something else. As an added bonus, Fleet Feet, a shoe store specializing in athletic shoes, has a thing they do every year for the Cross Country runners in the schools and offer deep discounts one night prior to the year of running. Michael was taking Bailey that night to check on shoes. They bought them and we reimbursed for her spikes. She was so thrilled and immediately sent us this thank you picture.
This night we had a Self-Reliance Stake Committee Meeting in Lexington. We took this opportunity to use my birthday coupon at BD's Mongolian Grill. Yum. 

Friday, August 2nd, I was finally able to get my haircut. I tried to do that 3 weeks prior and Tyra was all booked up. She asked if I could come the next week and I had Bonnie visiting. So we set it up for this date. My hair was really getting longer. I loved the feel of it on my neck but really needed it to be shorter. 

While checking Facebook, I came across this meme that cracked me up. It was a joke. Question: Where did Captain Hook buy his hook? Answer: A second hand store!! 

I also went to practice the organ this day. Much to my chagrin the organ was broken. I am sure it was hit by a surge of lightening. When you turn the organ on and the volume pedals are down and you have not selected any stops, there should be no sound when you touch a key or pedal. I turned the organ on. When I put my foot on the pedal to slide across the organ bench there was a very loud sound coming from the organ. There should have been no sound. It seems the organ thought every stop should be play and be sustaining when played. Very abnormal. I ran though the hymns but knew it could not be used for prelude, postlude or the sacrament hymn. A work order was placed to have someone come work on it. They are on back log with requests and it could take up to 30 days for that to happen. We'll be playing the piano for church services for a bit.

Also on Friday, August 2nd, Claude and I made a quick video of us waving hi to Raelyn and sent it to Katelyn's phone. It was truly pathetic. We are just not talented at that at all. But, you know what, there is a little 3 year old nugget in Michigan that loves it. That, my friends, is what is most important. Want her to grow up knowing she is loved across many miles.

Thursday, August 8th, Claude and I were driving home from Georgetown. We found this beautiful new sign located on Hwy. 32 across from our Eagle Bend Entrance. Sure looks nice.
Today, Friday, August 9th, I drove Papa to the park along Elkhorn Creek for a bit of an outing. I posted this picture on Facebook with this thought: "Spent a most pleasant morning with Papa parked along Elkhorn Creek. Got him a root beer. Played LDS Hymns from my cellphone. He talked and played the Free Flow game on my old Kindle. All the while the geese entertained us and the movement of the creek calmed us. Such happiness for the price of a root beer and some time." I was a lovely morning outing for us.
That catches up little moment to remember. Now to a good night's sleep and finish up bigger things tomorrow.

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