Thursday, May 12, 2011

Down, Down, Down...

Yesterday was a full day. Claude had a meeting in Georgetown at 7:30am. I got up when he did and headed to Georgetown at 7:45am. We all met at Papa's apartment after Claude's meeting, leaving Claude's Jeep in Papa's driveway.

We were off to the Louisville Temple. It was a delightful morning. We got there plenty early to just quietly sit and wait for our session to begin. Claude and I sat for a bit in the celestial room after the temple session. I still marvel that after 41 years I still learn something new each visit. It is just a delight to pause in a very busy life and feel peace and quiet.

We stopped a Jucy's on the way home for lunch. This is a BBQ place in Crestwood. Then we headed back to Papa's apartment.

We had about an hour and a half before time for Papa and I to go sing. Claude headed back to Sadieville to catch up on Mayoral paperwork, of which there is always plenty. I cut Papa's hair and then headed off to do some errands before we sang. I promised Papa he could have a seat in his sofa and I would call to wake him up in time to get to the nursing home on time.

My main errand was to cast my absentee primary ballot. The election is next Tuesday and I'll be in Muskegon and then driving back to LaGrange with Katelyn. This was the most opportune time to cast that ballot.

I pulled up to the court house in Georgetown. They have angle parking that is 30 minutes right by the courthouse. I happily scored a spot. I gathered my purse and climbed out of my car.

They have now put concrete barrier blocks in front of each parking space. I knew they were there because I parked in front of one. However, when I got out of my car, the car next to me had pulled up over their concrete block. I did not notice their concrete block was sticking out a bit. I was looking up, adjusting my purse strap when I tripped on the concrete block for the car next to mine.

Down, down, down my 60 year old body went. It felt like s l o w m o t i o n. I remember thinking "maybe I can right I don't think I can...hope my cell phone stays in my can I lessen the impact of this fall" and then, there I was, spread out on the concrete surrounding the court house in Georgetown, Kentucky. Almost like a stage had been placed to showcase my gracefulness.

The first thing I felt was a sense of nausea. I really think that is just the shock value. Then I thought, okay, you can laugh at this, but it is what I thought, "This is not supposed to happen to a Mayor's wife!" 

As I lay there amused at that silly thought (isn't it funny to find humor even in things that aren't so funny) I tried to assess if I really hurt anything before I moved. My knee felt scruffed but I didn't feel like anything broke. I slowly sat up.

Purse still zipped so cell phone is okay, check. Capri jeans covered knees so no big scape there, check. Little finger hurts but no joint out of place, check. Nice lady offering to help but says she can't lift me, check.

I sat for a second or two just to be sure, then I stood up and re-examed myself. I was fine...except my pride. Oh was it wounded.

I went in and voted and climbed up and down 3 stories of stairs to do so. I must be okay.

As the evening wore on my left knew became more sore and a bit swollen and a little warm to the touch. My left pinky finger was very stiff. But I'm sure there is nothing broken, maybe just bruised a bit. I hope it clears up by Saturday because I'm playing the organ for stake conference this weekend and I need that pinky finger to move freely and my knee not to throb while I sit on that organ bench playing prelude and postlude for long periods of time.

I must add that my biggest fear as I age is falling down. So many people do, then break something and never really get back to normal or just fail from there. I'm not ready to fail yet. To many things I still want to do. Now, I have the falling out of the way, I can check that off the list and maybe it won't happen anymore, EVER!!!

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