Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Odds & Ends...

Odds and Ends #1:
I enjoyed a nice lunch with two of the ladies from Church and their kids. It was fun to have these ladies out to the house to get to know them better. I fixed chicken salad, fruit salad and corn salad. The kids enjoyed hot dogs. Then we headed to the basement where the kids toys are. The little ones played while the moms and I got to know each other better.  I should do this kind of thing more often.

Odds and Ends #2:
Claude and I are in need of more bookshelf space.  We looked through our home to determined where in the world to place more bookshelves. We both agreed the best place to do this was in our bedroom. We wanted to add a 3-shelf bookshelf to each side of our bed. The bed comes out from the middle of the wall and we each have a night table on our side of the bed. There is enough space between those night tables and the walls for a 3 foot tall book shelf.

I set to work to see if I could find the right bookshelf.  Out came my catalogs with home furnishings and up came the Internet sites with bookshelves. I found absolutely nothing that looked right, was the right size, or was the right color of wood.

Then Claude had another great idea. He said we did have a resource at Church we might try. Jim Parker does a great job with woodwork. Claude contacted Jim and he was delighted with the opportunity.

The end result was having Jim and Papa come for dinner last Friday evening. Jim looked at our bedroom set, took a drawer so he can get the right stain to the wood, and showed us a stack of his woodworking magazines with bookshelves marked that we might like. I thumbed through these and determined which ones I liked best. Claude picked the ones he liked best.  Then he put the magazines in order with the one he liked best on top.  I went back through the stack after Claude put them in order. Amazing, we both agreed. I had one change to make to the top of the bookshelf. Jim said no problem. And it is a done deal.  Jim will let us know when the bookshelves are ready.

Odds and Ends #3:
We had a chili cook-off in Sadieville. Claude entered an 'Irish Chili'.  He won a prize.  It was really good chili.

The Sadieville Christian Church choir sang for us. They were so good. You could tell they were all truly enjoying themselves. 

I sat next to their pastor.  Scott wanted to get home in time to watch a ball game.  After the choir finished I gave a great round of applause and asked for an encore.  They cheerfully opened those books and found another song to sing. Scott explained they had about 50 songs in those books and could sing for hours but that wouldn't get him home for his ball game. After they finished their encore, Scott reached to the refreshment table and handed me the last rice krispy treat. I told him he was just being sure I had something in my mouth so I would not be able to ask for another encore.  He grinned and headed out the door to get to his ball game.

I just couldn't turn down a good rice krispy treat.  Could you???  Really???  Call me Esau, but I couldn't pass up that gooey treat.

Odds and Ends #4:
I have a new sister on my visiting teaching list.  I went to visit her and had an absolutely delightful visit. Renee lives way out in the country. She has a wonderful home on a farm where they have cows and horses. Their home has a veranda on three sides. She has a nice swing on one side and we sat in that swing and visited...for 3 hours!!!  That is WAY longer than I should have stayed but it was just so pleasant and we had such a good conversation going that I never realized how long I was there until I happened to look at my watch. Nice visit with a very nice lady.

Odds and Ends #5:
We received delightful thank you notes from Hayden for sponsoring him in his Bear Run. Thank you Hayden for this kindness. 
Odds and Ends #6:
Judge Executive George Lusby is the head of the Fiscal Court in Scott County. He has been elected to this position many, many times now. He is an honest, caring person in my perspective.

Judge Lusby's wife, Betsy, had Alzheimer's. He would take her for rides in the car for the longest time because she loved that. Saturday Betsy passed away. Tuesday night was her viewing. Her funeral was today.

Claude and I went into the viewing. I picked up a program. I found the sweetest wording inside this program. There was an entry titled 'Earthly Date of Birth'.  Just below it was another entry titled 'Eternal Date of Birth' (or Betsy's date of death). I loved that way of stating the birth and death dates. Such a statement of faith.

It helped me remember when Aunt Gloria passed away after her battle with cancer. Aunt Gloria is my mother-in-law's sister. After her funeral when the family was having a meal together, Uncle Bob (Gloria's hubby) said to everyone, "We should be happy because Aunt Gloria has graduated to the next level." 

I truly appreciate the positive way of looking at these moments in the eternal scheme of things.

Odds and Ends #7:
Claude and I attended the open house for the remodeled portion of the nursing home my mother resides in.  The nursing home portion has 50 beds. It had a hallway attached to apartments. These apartments have been converted into 15 apartmentettes (I think I invented a new word there!). The work was completed and Signature Health Care had an open house and ribbon cutting to celebrate the occasion.

Claude and I walked through all the rooms and were definitely 'wow'ed. Some are shared rooms but they each have their own bedroom. They simply share a bathroom, kitchen and sitting area. Most of the rooms have oversized bathrooms with showers you could drive a wheelchair into to shower. Claude and I were so impressed we actually asked what we had to do to get one of these rooms.

The nursing home has expanded their exercise room from the original nursing home and extended it out to another large exercise room that opens into the hall for these new rooms. The intent in the remodel is to provide 15 beds for residents in Scott County who need a place to live and have rehabilitation exercises done between their hospital experience and going to their own homes.

The had a ribbon cutting with the dignitaries. Claude was included in that as the Mayor of Sadieville. Mayor Varney of Georgetown, Senator Damon Thayer and Representative Ryan Quarles were also in this picture as well as other officials from the Chamber of Commerce and the nursing home executive staff. 

It was a nice event and it was great to see what the remodel looks like after so many months of work between this side and the older portion of the nursing home.  Signature Health Care has done a nice job of fixing up this facility.

Odds and Ends #8:
Even after 41 years of marriage, or maybe, especially after 41 years of marriage, sometimes you have to be sure you are both on the same page.  After attending the open house, Claude and I decided to have a bite of dinner in Georgetown before heading home. I suggested we go to Jimmy Johns or to Penn Station for a sandwich.  Claude said, "Penn Station.  No Jimmy Johns.  Penn Station."  I left the parking lot hearing Penn Station last. Claude left the parking lot hearing Jimmy Johns last. I'm sitting in the parking spot by Penn Station and Claude doesn't show and he doesn't show and he doesn't show.  Claude left the nursing home before me.  I finally picked up my cell phone and called him.  He was sitting at Jimmy Johns waiting for me to arrive. Oh My Goodness...I started up the Buick and headed to Jimmy Johns.  Such silliness!!!

Odd and Ends #9:
We all have to 'fill our cups' to keep going in the life. I'm happy to report Papa has had some nice opportunities to fill his cup lately.

1st, he took Tiny in to see Mimi. She has not seen her puppy in years. They both recognized each other and had a great reunion. Papa was so very happy he called to report this great moment in their lives.

2nd, Papa loves to go for a car ride. We had some really good weather so I took Tiny and kept her so Papa could go for a ride.  He left on a Thursday morning at 5am and got home on Friday morning at 2am. He drove over 1000 miles and had a marvelous time.  He even came home and slept for 5 hours straight.

3rd, Papa took a drive to Tennessee one day. Claude and I went to his home and let Tiny out during the day. Papa visited The Museum of Appalachia. He loved being there and thinks he might go there again.

4th, Papa took mom for a walk outside. Well, Mimi was in her wheelchair because she can't walk anymore, but Papa was behind it walking. He said Mimi laughed and talked during the entire walk. When he dropped her off at the nurses station after their walk, Helen asked Mimi if she had a good walk and Mimi said, "Yes!"  Will wonders never cease.

5th, Claude took Papa with him to Owingsville Sunday.  Papa loved the ride out there and totally enjoyed attending Church with those lovely people. They returned after I finished choir practice and we all met at the Mexican restaurant for a nice dinner.  Papa left happy and full.

So there you have Odds and Ends Sandi style. Life is good, busy and full.

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