Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Tin Roof...

I've posted before about the Rosenwald School here in Sadieville. Today's post is to give an update on our next piece of the restoration process to our Rosenwald School. is a link that gives a brief explanation about Rosenwald Schools.

The Friends of Sadieville Renaissance, our non-profit historical preservation group, are working diligently to raise funds to restore this important piece of history in Sadieville. This summer we managed to raise enough to buy the supplies for a new roof. It will keep the building historically accurate and preserve the interior as we continue raising fund for each piece of the restoration.

Here is a before picture:
During the summer we had some foundation work done. I have no picture of that.

This summer we raised enough to purchase the supplies to replace the roof.

Last Saturday, October 22nd, Billy Foster, the husband of our city clerk (Cindy Foster), and David Foster (Billy's brother) took the old roof off our little piece of Americana.
There was, the operative word here is 'was', a chimney on top of the roof. Billy and David could see through the morter between the bricks. The end result was the chimney was taken off and the bricks were not even worth saving.

The guys started putting on the new roof but they were wearing out. That is steep work and hard on legs and arms. Claude and I had huge empathy for them because of working on our hill. It makes a simple job a lot more strenuous. The weather forecast was for no rain until Wednesday of this week. Billy and David put an old piece of roof over the hole where the chimney used to be, stored their supplies inside the schoolhouse and headed home for a much needed break. The plan was to come back on Tuesday and finish adding the new metal roof.

Imagine our surprise when we got rain Sunday night and Monday. Geez!!!

Tuesday morning was great weather.  Billy and David came back and finished up our new roof and no chimney.
It feels so good each time another piece of the restoration is done. There is a lot to do but we'll get there bit by bit. 

Thank you Billy and David for volunteering your time and hard work to accomplish this much needed piece of our restoration process. Your effort is greatly appreciated.

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