Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sleepy & Sneezy...


There is absolutely nothing anymore lovely when returning home from a vacation than to climb into your own bed and sleep.

I believe that a vacation is simply a change in your schedule that gives you a brief respite from your daily grind (whatever that may be). Vacations are not restful. In fact we usually try to pack so much into them that we come home more tired than when we left for them. Hence, coming home to your own bed is just, as a friend said, 'A Slice of Heaven'.

Sunday night I experienced that pure joy of ending a wonderful change of pace called a vacation by climbing back into our own bed. Simply Lovely.

When I awoke yesterday morning, this flood of realization came to me about the importance of a bed.

Whenever we moved the first thing we put up in our new home was the kid's beds. It just seemed to make a move easier for them when they had their bed in what would be their territory in the new location.

I've slept in my bed, I've read a good book in my bed, I've sat and done needlework or Sudoku while watching a good program on TV in my bed, I've recuperated from major surgery in my bed (with my family setting up my night stand and sometimes a step stool to make life in bed for several weeks easier), I've miscarried a much desired baby in my bed, I've conceived in my bed, I've made a nest out of pillows for grandmonsters to enjoy playing in my bed, I've held a sick child close in my bed as they struggled to get well, I've had long, heartfelt talks with my hubby in my bed, and the list goes on and on and on.

I'm grateful I remembered for a moment yesterday morning how important that piece of furniture is in a home. It may seem like a silly thing, but I don't believe it is silly at all. And I'm particularly grateful that we have a bed we both picked out that is solid and comfortable to keep on filling with memories as the years continue to go by.

That said...on to 'Sneezy'...

It is said very often here in Kentucky that this is the worst place in the country for a person with allergies.  It also appears to me that EVERYONE in Kentucky has allergies. I know other states make this claim but, let me tell you, Kentucky takes the cake on allergies.

I left Kentucky for vacation a week ago taking a daily 24 hour allergy pill. I'm not a pill taker.  It has to be pretty bad before I succumb to taking medicine for something. So I assure you my eyes were in severe need of something to give them relief.

Claude purchased me two kinds of allergy pills.  One said SEVERE Allergy Relief on the outside of the box. The other was a 24 hour pill.

When we got to Michigan, I told Claude I was going to try not taking that 24 hour pill anymore.  I didn't take it the next morning and had no issues at all. I didn't take any more allergy medicine for the entire trip.

We got home Sunday night and I was inside until Monday afternoon when I headed into Georgetown to check on my parents, have dinner with Claude prior to his meeting and purchase groceries. As soon as I left the house to get in my car with the garage door open the sneezing started.

By the time I got to Georgetown I was sneezing regularly and my eyes were watering. I ran through many Kleenex at Papa's apartment and a few while at the nursing home feeding Mimi. The restaurant with Claude provided sneezing opportunities. I tried to find quiet aisles in Walmart to sneeze so people didn't think I was bringing in a cold germ. In the parking lot at Walmart I ran into friends from church. Their first question was, "Do you have a cold?"  Nope...just allergies...again.

I came home and found that box that said 'SEVERE Allergy Relief' and took the dose noted.  I could feel the wave of tired come over me from this helpful, yet mildly coma inducing medicine. This is the sweet and sour of allergies. Sweet for relief from sneezing and itchy eyes, sour from making one sleepy. I haven't ever found a medicine that doesn't knock me out. But the sneezing was gone and I woke up really, really rested this morning.

Now I'll go back to the 24 hour version today, which is a little less coma inducing once my body gets used to it. Come on frost to get rid of those allergens that are making me 'Sleepy' and 'Sneezy'!!!

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