Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Day for the Birds...

Wednesday was my Countryside Homemakers outing. We don't have an official meeting in June but we like to treat ourselves to lunch at a nice place and enjoy one last meeting at the beginning of summer. Our choice for this outing was Boone Tavern in Berea, Kentucky.
Claude and I went to Berea in 2005 to see the Kentucky Artisan Center. It is right on I-75 and is a lovely facility with very expensive arts and crafts inside. After visiting the Kentucky Artisan Center we drove on through Berea and noted Boone Tavern but did not stop there. It was placed on our bucket list of places to visit sometime in the future. There is an Inn that is also a part of Boone Tavern and it seemed like a nice getaway place. So my adventure with the ladies was something I was looking forward to.

Berea is a college town. They have lots of little shops along another side of Boone Tavern that the college students display and sell their crafts.  We made sure we arrived early so we could walk the street and browse those shops before our lunch reservation. This is Faye and Charlotte walking ahead of me.
While we were waiting near the porch for everyone to arrive, I noticed a bird's nest. When I went around and inside the porch, to my surprise, I found a little bird staring at me with a threatening gaze. Quick, bring the camera up and get some pictures. I was able to do this before we shopped and again after we ate and before heading home. It turned out there were two birds and, I'm sure, some little babies in that nest. You can see the one bird watching by the nest and the fuzzy spot above is the other bird flying around and then away to keep my attention away from their nest.
Boone's Tavern is just surrounded by beautiful flowers. Here are a few.
Lunch itself was delicious. They serve you unlimited 'spoon bread' instead of rolls. It was delicious. My lunch was chicken salad, croissant, and fresh fruit. It too was delicious and  very reasonably priced.

After enjoying the birds on the porch again, we headed back to Sadieville.

I had just a few minutes before going to Georgetown. Wednesday is the day Papa and I sing for the residents at the nursing home. Papa was sick and could not sing. I went to his apartment first and picked up a DVD to show the residents in lieu of our singing. Papa was red and felt like he was burning up with fever. I suggested he call his doctor and get an appointment sooner rather than later.

I sat with mom while the DVD played. Then I opted to stay and feed my mother dinner. She is struggling with her eating ability but we got all her dinner down her.

Then I took Papa his DVD back. He had made his doctor appointment while I was gone. I asked if I could take Tiny (his little dog) home with me so he could rest and not worry about caring for her. Amazingly, he said yes this time. Tiny and I headed for Sadieville.

I changed into stretchy clothes when we got home. Then I took Tiny outside for a walk on the hill.

I got to the edge of the patio and heard a strange rustling sound, almost like an enormous bee was flying around my head. I looked up and saw a hummingbird sitting on the wire cage for the tomato to grow in one of the Bourbon barrels. Somehow I always think hummingbirds are flapping their little wings 24/7. No so. This one sat on the wire cage and looked a me for a few seconds. Long enough for me to realize I didn't have a camera or my cell phone to take a single picture. Drat!!!  I tried telling it I was friendly but it flew off to my magnolia tree and perched on a branch of it.

I walked over to the adirondack chairs to sit and watch Tiny and the hummingbird flew away. It did come back later while I was there and perched on the railing of the upper deck. Here is what that little hummingbird was trying to safely get to.
This was our Christmas gift from Jake. Claude bought the hook and got it up on the railing of the upper deck. It is an old fashioned hummingbird feeder. I filled it this week. This was my first sighting of a hummingbird actually knowing the feeder was there and trying to get to it.

This morning as I was doing my shoulder exercises I saw that hummingbird actually feeding from the feeder. I told Claude the hummingbird was back. It turns out he has seen one that was red in color. The one I've seen two times now is green in color.

Yeah!!  We will enjoy this gift and the beautiful little birds that come to sup at their table this summer.  I totally enjoyed my day with bird sightings.

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