Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's Coming Together...

This August I will have lived in this home for 8 years. Every year we have done some things to the yard. This year Claude and I both commented about how it really feels like things are coming together outside.

Here are some things Claude and I have done this year:

First, Claude replaced the solar light pole on either end of the lower deck. He installed metal pipes and placed the solar lights on the top. I think he had a great idea and they look really nice.

Second, Claude repaired and painted the Adirondack chairs on the lower deck.

Third, Claude decided to not garden in the yard anymore. We'll grow what veggies we can eat on the decks and patio. Tomatoes are in the Bourbon barrels and two hanging Topsy-Turvy planters. Bell peppers are in large flower pots on the lower decks center portion. Strawberries are in planters that look like hollowed out logs that line the end of the lower deck. Lettuce and herbs are on the upper deck in planters. Peas are in the flower containers on the patio.
Fourth, Claude determined we needed another flower bed by the driveway near the garage. This place is funny to mow. Claude drove his tractor around the edge and that formed the placement of the bed for the new bush. Where the tractor didn't cut would be the bed. Then Claude picked out a beautiful little bush, purchased stones like the other flower beds he made when we first moved in and placed them along the edge of the new bed. He planted his little red leafed bush and created a beautiful addition to the left side of the driveway in the front of the house.
Fifth, we moved the irises from the rain garden under the trees to the tiered garden spot and added 3 blueberry bushes in with them. I now have to find plants to put in the water garden but that will come later. My shoulder must rest a bit first. The irises look pathetic in this picture but they will perk up over time. They are a hearty plant.

Sixth, we planted two butterfly bushes in one of the water breaks in the back yard. This spot held two tiny blueberry bushes before. We gave those to Andie when she visited for her yard. This is a picture of a blossom on one of the butterfly bushes and the object on it is a butterfly that looks like a brown leaf.
I believe that covers the projects so far. Other than the plantings I did in the flower beds on the hill and the work Claude has done on the path he is slowly building down the hill. It just feels like things are coming together for us in this huge yard.

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