Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why, Yes, Yes I Did...

Our youngest grandson, Hayden, when asked a yes or no question will often reply , "Why, yes, yes I can/did/etc." I just love it when he says that. It seemed an appropriate title for a Blog post that is really a catch-up on all that's happened since March 9th when I last posted to my Blog.

Why, yes, Saturday, March 9th I did...Attend a great Seminary and Institute Inservice for teachers. These are always so uplifting and we are taught important aspects of how to teach.

Why, yes, Monday, March 11th I did participate in a special '40 Day Fast' for the 'Come and See' scheduled for April 21st at Church. Each family in our ward (congregation) picked on of the forty days prior to April 21st for their family to fast in an effort to help find friends and neighbors and co-workers that might be interested in learning a little more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The day I picked for Claude and I to fast was Monday, March 11th.

That Monday was also the date for the Friends of Sadieville to have their monthly board meeting. I am Chair for this board and we were able to keep this meeting to about 1 hour. Yeah us!! And we covered all topics needing discussion and planning. Now I have to complete my 'to-do list' from that meeting. Partly done but not complete yet.

Why, yes, Wednesday, March 13th I did attend our Countryside Homemaker's meeting at Detta Wilson's home. We had to postpone it due to snow the Wednesday previous. (As I type this we are having more snow today. Goodness!!) We had a great meeting. I'm president of this club and conducted the meeting. Our lesson was titled 'Shopping Your Closet'. Faye Privett was to have taught the lesson. She attended the training and was ready to teach the first Wednesday but had a doctor's appointment the second Wednesday so I taught in her place. She left the materials off on Saturday and I pulled the lesson together Sunday evening. It went very well and the ladies had lots of comments and discussion. That always makes a lesson better. Detta served meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I made a new recipe for carrots that Claude found. It was delicious. Maybe I'll post it separately. Maggie Williams taught our craft which was gift bags made out of cloth. Pictured left to right:  Maggie Williams, Sandi Christensen, Kathy Dunaway and JoCarol Wilson.
I returned home after Homemakers just in time to dump my Homemakers things and gather what I needed to head to Georgetown and sing with Papa at the nursing home.

Why, yes, Thursday, March 14th I did get a haircut. Yippee!! We are heading out on our big trip soon and I had to work to time the haircuts to be in good form for our trip.

This day was also Aubrey Anne's birthday. She is our middlemost grandmonster and she turned the ripe old age of 15. She called us to thank us for her gifts before we even got her called to sing Happy Birthday. She was a happy teenager and looking forward to dinner out with her family at Golden Corral.

In the evening we had the Relief Society Birthday Party at Church. The Relief Society is the organization for the ladies 18 years old and up. The actually birthday would be March 17th but our celebration was March 14th. It was great fun. The round tables were set up in the cultural hall and each was decorated differently. The ladies asked to decorate a table were given a theme. Some of them were:  the Islands; Princess; Candy; Polka dots; Cupcakes; etc. They also provided the dessert which was the centerpiece for the table. I sat at the Island themed table. Little plastic grass skirts had been taped around the edge of the seat of our folding chairs. There was a lei hanging from each chair. The cake on our table was decorated like an island with a hut and flowers made out of a chocolate you can mold. The cake itself was a coconut cake. There was a talk, a video presentation, a chance to decorate puzzle pieces and a game like Jeopardy. Great fun and so nice to be with the ladies.
Why, yes, Friday, March 15th I did go to the Louisville Temple in the morning with my hubby. Then we headed to the Marx home for a nap before the kidlings got home from school. Bo the cat even managed to climb up in the bed and nap with us. We spent the night with the Mini's while Andie and Michael had a date night. The Mini's had a new movie for us to watch with them. Something titled "Wreck It Ralph". While they watched the movie I worked on Claude's old laptop he had given to the Marx's for the Mini's. It seems the Microsoft Office files were not being recognized. Claude was very pleased that I figured out how to get them to work again. I was happy he was pleased.

Why, yes, Saturday, March 16th I did stay at the Casa Marx while Claude went to New Albany, Indiana to teach an emergency preparedness class. Andie was able to do some shopping and baking in preparation for Hayden's Blue and Gold Scout Banquet that evening. Hayden would leave Wolf rank and become a Bear in the Scouting program. The Mini's and I put a couple more games on my Kindle and played puzzles and also some Wii. I was able to get Andie and Bailey's hair cut. Claude returned and we took the kids to the park so Andie could decorate cupcakes for the banquet. While at the park the kids didn't want to play on the playground equipment at all. They wanted to walk the path through the park and around part of the lake. Hayden got out in front of us a bit and turned to look at us way behind him. He made some comment about us being slow. Bailey piped up and said, "Well, old people are slow and they are OLD!" Goodness. After our hike we took the Mini's home and headed to Frankfort. Claude took me to the cemetery. I had a feeling the flowers on my mother's grave were not right. Sure enough, they had blown out of their container with all the rain, snow and wind we have been having. We fixed the flowers and then headed to the Carter family's home for dinner and ice cream. We totally enjoyed our visit with these dear friends. They make a mean container of chocolate homemade ice cream. Two bowls of that each and we headed back to Sadieville to get things ready for Sunday.

Why, yes, Sunday, March 17th we did call our Andie to wish her a happy birthday. We waited until we thought the kids would be in bed. Michael answered and said she was upstairs putting the kids to bed. He said he would text us when she came back down and we could call again. So very different from a few years ago. So many electronics. We sang a very pitiful rendition of Happy Birthday. Claude pitched it higher and I just couldn't find my note. It was pathetic but we had a very good laugh. Michael got Andie a guitar for her birthday and Claude gave her some pointers about how to play it. You see, my hubby and my kids are all left-handed. Andie was wondering if she should learn to play left or right-handed. I think we settled on her trying to learn with her right hand if she could.

Why, yes, Tuesday, March 19th I did go to the Family History Center for our 4 hour shift with my hubby. Afterward he took me to 5 Guys for a burger before heading home.

Why, yes, Wednesday, March 20th I did have my annual mammogram. Then I picked Papa up and took him to the nursing home where we sang to a packed house. Papa was very happy with the turn out and that some of them actually applauded after we sang.

Why, yes, today, Thursday, March 21st I did bake a cake for tonight, mail birthday packages to Michigan, get my camera ready for travel and now I'm Blogging.

Through all of these days that are so many thing that have been done like preparing Homemaker things to be done in case I'm not home by the next meeting, preparing the things for Friends of Sadieville that will be posted on Facebook before leaving for our trip, preparing two Institute lessons, one for tonight and one for the Thursday after we return, making my grid for our trip and getting all the bases covered for Papa while I am gone, preparing and chipping away at my to-do list before we travel, do my visiting teaching and the list goes on.

So I can confidently state that since March 9th, "Why, yes, yes I did..."

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