Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hanging of the Green...

A first for Claude and me this Christmas season. We were invited to the 'Hanging of the Green' at Georgetown College in Georgetown, Kentucky.  This is an annual event at Georgetown College.

Our first visit was to the home of Dr. M. Dwaine Greene, the President of Georgetown College. Never been in this beautiful home. It is located on Main Street in Georgetown. Their huge tree was centered in the entry and decorated with ornaments made by the students in their art classes. Some beautiful and very unique ornaments. We toured the first floor of the home. Refreshments were set out in the dining room. The treat that intrigued me most were two bowls of what appeared to be whipped icing, one white and one chocolate. Beside these two bowls were a couple of bowls of little sprinkles or jimmies that you might put on donuts or cookies. Beside that was a big bowl of pretzels. You simply dipped your pretzel in the topping that looked the best, then in the sprinkles or jimmies of your choice. Now that is an easy and fun treat to set out for guests. Dr. Greene talked with us for a bit about the history of the home and then we just chatted with him about other things until time to head to our next destination, dinner.

Dinner was at the Cralle Student Center of Georgetown College. We have dined here before for special dinners. It is a small dining room across from what appears to be the cafeteria for the college. It is a lovely room and nice for these kinds of affairs. The meal was delicious. A few speeches were made at the end. Then we were off for the next portion of the evening.

This event took place not long after the mass killing of many people in San Bernardino, California by terrorists. This is a troubling and difficult time in our history. The next step in terrorism is home grown, independent acting terrorists. They tend to target killing as many people as they can. This heinous act was a big point of conversation. However, a cute moment came of it. Dr. Greene received a text message that day from someone on the Board for Georgetown College. He cautioned him about attending an event with lots of people where the title was "hanging the Greene's"!! It was good to laugh at something that is so concerning. 

The John L. Hill Chapel was our next destination. We walked there. This is where the service and program for the 'Hanging of the Green' takes place. The college students handle this portion of the evening. They had wreaths placed along the wall by the floor boards and under the stained glass windows. On the stage at the front was a tree with no decorations. The first order of business is to 'hang the green'. People sitting close to the wreaths simply get up and hang their wreath closest to them in the stain glassed window. Then anyone who had brought an ornament brings it to the stage and hangs it on the bare Christmas tree.  Such a sweet tradition.

The program then follows with music and the lighting of five advent candles for Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Christ. A love offering was passed for the child of one of the professors. A wonderful address was given by Reverend Bob Fox. After the benediction, we all moved to the final place for the evening.

Giddings Circle is outside and is what its name implies, a circular driveway. Paper bags lined this circle with tea candles in each bag. Everyone has a candle in their hand and goes to a bag and lights the candle in the paper bags. Then we all sang "Silent Night" several times. 

The evening was done and Claude and I headed home feeling a lot of the Christmas Spirit we all seek at this time of the year. What a nice treat at the beginning of this Christmas season.

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