Thursday, December 17, 2015

Let's Fill Another Day...

Tuesday, December 8th, found me at Dr. Kreutz office.  This is our new dentist. Dr. Jane Clay has been our dentist the entire time we have lived in Kentucky. She quietly sold her practice to this young, energetic dentist. He put a filling in the base of a crowned tooth in the back of my mouth. I happened to run my tongue along the base of this tooth and realized there was no filling there anymore. I called the office and they quickly got me in. He replaced the filling and sent me on my way at no charge. Very sore mouth but no charge.

Off to pick up Papa. It was his turn at Dr. Richardson's office. He had a good exam. The change in his prescription was so minor there was no need to purchase new glasses. However, his cataracts in one eye warrant cataract surgery. Papa didn't want to do this. I think he is over doctors for a bit after his heart attack. I did have concern over how his glasses were resting on his nose and pressing on the skin. He has a crease on the top of his nose and where the pads rest was starting to create wounds in his skin. This happened two years ago when we got him new glasses. Walmart changed the bridge on the nose of the glasses and that gave him relief and his nose healed. Dr. Richardson's office was able to put larger pads on Papa's glasses and to make the arch that goes over his nose higher so it didn't rest in that crease on his nose. Relief at last. 

Took Papa home and started my journey to LaGrange. This was the evening of Hayden's final PAC (Performing Arts Club) performance. A Christmas themed program titled "North Pole Musical". Great performance by a mass of kids. Have to give the teachers credit for handling that many kids and having them all participate and learn to love music and performing.

Here are a few pictures of Hayden as an elf in "North Pole Musical".
Hayden and his buddies. 
Hayden and Bailey. 
Back we went to the Marx home so the Mini's could share some of the chocolate they bought after a tour of a chocolate factory while on their Thanksgiving vacation.

It was another full day for the books. And a good one to boot!

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