Monday, January 25, 2016

Filling a Thursday...

January 14th was a fun Thursday. 

While Claude was getting a few morning tasks done in his office, I popped in to chat and look what I saw outside his window...
In the first 10 years we lived here, no squirrels. This last summer I saw two in the trees on the hill. Now I see one of the ledge of the window. Yike!! I asked Claude if he was concerned they might be in the attic. He has no concerns in that regard. Me? I'm thinking they are looking for a way in. 

Claude and I started our day by taking down the Christmas decorations at City Hall. While I untrimmed the tree (is that a real word?), Claude worked in the shed where the decorations are stored. When we took the decorations out in November so the Friends of Sadieville (I'm the Chair) could decorate, we learned what a mess the storage shed had been left in. There was clearly a need to toss a lot of junk and arrange the items stored there so you could tell what was really there when you needed something. The storage shed is downstairs from the main level of City Hall. This means every box we needed had to be carried up and down the stairs of the deck. Good fortune was upon us and the freezing temps left for that day, the sky was clear, and we were able to clean with the doors open as needed. I shoveled the snow off the deck and it was all melted within a short time. We still need to clean a little in the shed but that will wait till spring.

By noon we were home and getting ready to head to La Grange.  

We arrived at the Marx home in time to gather the booster seats to put in my car for the Mini's. We were at their school by 3pm to pick them up from Bear Care and take them home. They were to eat a healthy snack before they had to be off again for the evening. However, the Marx family has two new kittens and the Mini's knew they needed to have play time with their little furry friends and to show them off to Claude and me. We got snacks and took them up to meet Pip (Bailey is holding her) and Percy (Hayden is holding him). 
Andie got home about 3:30 and had to get Hayden out the door to his doctor appointment. Claude and I left just before 4:00pm with Bailey. She had a play practice to attend and our task was to get her there by 4:30pm. Once she was settled we found the Dairy Queen where we waited for Andie and Hayden to join us at 5:10pm. We kept Hayden and treated him to dinner. Andie headed home to charge her cell phone and do a few things before time to meet at the school. We ordered Bailey dinner to go. We picked Bailey up at 6pm and met Andie at Buckner Elementary. Bailey had changed into her costume for the wax museum. When Andie arrived she put on Bailey's make-up.

Bailey was Cleopatra for her wax museum character. She loves Egyptian things and was Cleopatra for Halloween a couple of years ago. The thing about this costume for her was getting to wear eyeliner. While she was changing into her costume in the girls bathroom at school, her little friends were talking to her. The first thing out of her mouth each time was, "I get to wear EYELINER!"  

The funny thing was reading a post by Andie on Facebook that night after we returned home. 

Andie:  "What's the deal with removing liquid eyeliner? Is it permanent or something? Asking for a friend..."  
Sandi:  "I am having flashbacks to slicking Jake's hair back with Vaseline to be Dracula and then trying to get it out. I feel your pain."
Andie:  "I'm thinking its too bad I don't keep any ponds cold cream around the house!"
Sandi:  "Wouldn't you know...I have 2 containers of that very thing."
Andie:  "Of course you do!"

Here are pictures of Bailey as Cleopatra.
This is a 3rd Grade project. All the 3rd graders pick a personality and research it. Then they write a page long paper about that person. They come up with a costume for the person. And they make a poster about the person. Then the kids are staged in different places in the gym and the hallway outside the gym. They strike a pose and stay that way until someone touches them on the shoulder. Then they wake up and recite what the wrote about their character. After their recitation, they go back into their pose and are a wax figure again. Lots of fun. The kids love doing it. And they really work hard at it.

These are some other children in their costumes. Can you tell you who they are? 
The first young man is Colonel Sanders. Very Kentucky!! The second is a young lady as Van Gogh. I loved the bandage around her ear! Cracked me up. The third is a young man in the role of Jesus. I just told Andie he had some very big sandals to fill.

It was a fun afternoon and evening. 

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