Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Final Performance...

Thursday, April 28th, found us heading to LaGrange. Hayden had a lead role in what was his final Performing Arts Club (PAC) play. They were doing a play called "At the Bandstand". Hayden was one of the announcers. So many kids want to participate in these that the teacher has found very creative ways to include everyone that wants to participate. This play she divided the announcer into two roles, one female and one male. 

The play was based on the television show "American Bandstand". Hayden would have been a Dick Clark character. It was absolutely the perfect role for him. We loved it because American Bandstand is from our era and we knew all the songs!!

Claude and I got to LaGrange and went to McDonald's to get Happy Meals for the kids. We would begin our visit by having lunch with each of them. 

Bailey first:
Then lunch with Hayden:
I'm sure I'll get better with selfies as I do them more. 

Then Claude and I sat on the benches in front of the office until Hayden came down back to perform.
We found our seats on the bleachers in the gym and got the cameras ready (digital and cell phone). These are a few pictures of Hayden. Love his expressions.
After his performance, I very much enjoyed his class mates patting him on the back as they came down from the bleachers and telling him how good he did. 

We delivered a few things to the Marx home. Joyce had arrived for her weekend visit. We talked to her a bit and then headed back to Sadieville.

So much fun to see the kids participate in these things. Great experience for them. Teaches them so much about themselves and gives them skills they really can use in living life. 

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