Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Plodding Through Life a Day at the Time...

I posted my last Blog entry last Saturday, May 14th. When I came upstairs, I found this in my laundry room...
You see, we have been experiencing a loss of water pressure in the kitchen sink. Claude thought he had it fix. We turned the water on and the flow was great. Then...not so great again. We have good water flow in the rest of the faucets in our home so the problem has to be just in the kitchen. This picture is where Claude took all the dishes out of the dishwasher we had just run and washed them by hand in our poor water pressure. Then he put them on the washer and dryer to dry while he worked under and around the kitchen sink. When I came up, I found this when I went into the pantry/laundry room and when I went back into the kitchen the sink area was draped in old towels and there was no longer a faucet at the sink. 

Sunday, we both went to Church and then met for some lunch at Panera after. Then we popped into Lowe's so Claude and I could pick out just the right faucet together. After that I went to visit Papa to fill his meds, make a grocery list and just visit for a couple of hours. I met Claude at home and we changed into jeans and went back to Lexington for choir practice for Stake Conference next Sunday. After all...Sunday is a day of rest, right?!

Monday I had a 9am appointment to Visit Teach a lady from our Church. Claude headed off in his direction. I completed my visit about 10:15 and went to Pilot to get a soda. While there I learned a very interesting fact. The man (who appeared to be the manager of Pilot) was talking to a man (who appeared to be a truck driver). The truck driver was giving the manager some pointers about making the station better for him. The manager was listening and responding appropriately. One of the questions had to do with the changing of the sign that tells you the price of gasoline at the station. You know, those really tall signs you can see down the highway as well as the shorter ones in front of the business. The truck driver made some comment about how that was done which I didn't get and then the manager told him something I never knew. He told the truck driver that those signs are changed via satellite and he has nothing to do with that at the station! Really! The manager said they often don't know when it changes inside the station until they go out and see the signs. Amazing. A new wrinkle for this old brain.

Soda in hand, I made it to Kroger and purchased Papa's groceries and some candy to give to the kids that participate in the kid's games at the Armed Forces Day picnic we are having Saturday in Sadieville. Then off to Papa's to put the groceries away and clean in his apartment and then visit with him for a while. But wait, what was that NPR weather said as I drove, why, we are now expecting rain in the afternoon. So I got to Papa's and focused on the things I had to do. Then I apologized to Papa that I couldn't just sit and visit but I really had this flower bed that must be weeded and today was the day I was going to do it in the afternoon. However, the weather report said rain was on the way so I needed to get back to Sadieville to weed. Papa understood and I was out the door and almost to Sadieville before NPR weather did another report with no mention of rain in the afternoon but now at about 11pm Monday night. Goodness!!

I went home and put on my 'weedin' attire' and drove to the flower bed. This is my before picture.
When we had Sadieville Clean-up Day in April, I pulled all the previous plants out of this bed with the exception of the day lilies under the Sadieville sign and the Japanese irises in the center. I purchased pansies and placed them in the bed for this year. It was now time to pull more of the old plants and the weeds that had returned. Election Day is today and I wanted the bed to be nice for that and for those who might come through Sadieville to the picnic this Saturday. 

While weeding, repairmen came and worked on City Hall. This is something you don't see everyday in Sadieville.
Yep, that's a man on a hot tin roof. Well, it was actually about 20 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year so the roof wasn't really hot. But I liked the turn of phrase so I used it. The vent in the bathroom was leaking and they were repairing something up there so that would not happen. I did not envy them trying to climb on that metal at all. So I took this picture and went back to my weeding.

Four and one-half hours later, the flower bed looked like this...
So much nicer. I was happy although I was now having trouble walking and moving my hands in anywhere near a normal fashion. I put an empty plastic bag on my car seat and climbed into my car and headed home.

Claude spent his day doing his errands and got home before me. He tried to install that new faucet so we would have a kitchen again. Well...the tubing things were too short to reach their destination on the places under the sink. Too short by about an inch or so. Needed to get extensions or something to make this work. I asked Claude if he wanted to go get them that evening. By now it is almost 6pm. He said we could and we could get something to eat. I told him I would wash up and then we could go. 

I took some Motrin and cleaned up and we were off to Lowe's. I sat in the car. Getting in and out of the Jeep was a chore as my poor old body stove up from all that rolling and stretching to clean the flower bed up. Claude found what he hopes will work and then we enjoyed a light dinner at Steak and Shake. 

On our way home we saw something else one doesn't typically see in Sadieville.
A taxi!!! in Sadieville!!! What an interesting day. We were both too worn out to worry about the sink and settled in for the evening. I worked on entering some of my old seminary material into my Kindle till about 10pm. Then I took more Motrin and headed to bed. 

Yep, that is what life is really like at Casa Christensen. Just plodding along through life with plans and then adjusted plans to get through each day. Sooooo exciting.

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