Saturday, March 24, 2018

KMEA Competition...

Tuesday morning, March 13th, found me up dull and early. Dull because a big fog came in overnight. I was off to see Hayden at the actual KMEA competition. I believe KMEA stands for Kentucky Music Educators Association. This was held at North Oldham County High School. Driven past it but never been there before. Google Maps to the rescue. I-75 to the Snyder to Hwy 42 to North Oldham County High School. 

Once there I had to navigate the parking lot while kids were being dropped off for school. I made a loop and then as I circled back through a part closer to the school there was a teacher out making sure buses went where they were supposed to and kids got into the school as they were supposed to and, as good fortune would have it, he made sure lost Gramma's found where they were supposed to go. I stopped right by him and said, "Can you tell I don't know where I'm going?" He chuckled and asked if I was there for the KMEA Competition. I told him yes. He said, "If you will back up, I will move this cone and there is one parking spot left in the visitor's parking area." Yippee!!

Then it was inside to check in at the office. In today's atmosphere of school shootings, there are security things that must be done to be sure you should be in the school. They assigned a student to walk me down to the auditorium where the competition would be held. Such a nice young man. We had a little chat on this long walk. I tried to remember where we turned so I could get myself out the same way I came in.

Once in the auditorium, I had to figure out where to sit. Based on the Thursday night concert, I picked a seat that I thought might allow me to get a picture of that Grandmonster of mine. Then I waited for them to come in. I was able to see two other middle school bands perform before Hayden's band came in. This was nice because it let me compare how well Hayden's band was playing. 

Then his band came in and they walked to their seats in an orderly fashion. Hayden is so much shorter than the others and he sits in the second chair from the end. A very tall boy sits on the end. In the pictures below, they are on the next to last row. Hayden is second from the end. 
Once again, they kids were over the top good. I may sound prejudiced but I am not. They were much better than the other two schools I listened to first. And those schools were good. Andie sent us an eMail and said they were given 'Exceptional' for their ratings by the judges. We are so happy Hayden is participating in band and enjoying it so very much. 

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