Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Fender Bender Saga Ends...

On Saturday, February 17th, I had a fender bender with a sweet young lady named Bailey. Here is the end of the story.

She was to have had the repair work done on Monday, March 12th. She took her car in and they took the bumper off only to find she needed more work than in the original estimate. We had agreed to pay out-of-pocket what the original estimate was for the repairs. Since this substantially increased that amount, Bailey's father called me and informed me of the new estimate. He said he would eMail me a copy. I told him I wanted to go over it with Claude and would get back with him. I was on the way home from visiting Papa when he called.

I got home and opened the eMail to see the estimate. It turns out there was a light that had to be removed to get the bumper off and then it had to be replaced. This is how cars are made nowadays.    Everything connects to something else so you never just replace something simple. You have to replace an entire assembly. 

Claude and I reviewed it and determined we would still pay out-of-pocket instead of dinging the insurance. I called Bailey's dad and left him a message to continue with the repairs. 

Monday, May 16th I met Bailey at Kentucky Collision and paid for the work done. She is just a sweet, sweet young girl. She was grateful she was in an accident with someone that was nice and I was grateful this accident was with someone who is honest and nice. 

Now, just don't have any more accidents, ever, ever, ever!!

This was an expensive day for us. I paid for this accident and Claude paid for his new crown to go on is tooth implant. Yike!!

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