Sunday, October 21, 2018

Halloween Music...

When one reaches 8th grade at Oldham County Middle School, they will participate in a Halloween Extravaganza performed by the East Oldham Middle School, Oldham County Middle School and Oldham County High School. These two Middle Schools are the feeder schools to the High School. The three band teachers all work very closely together and the kids are used to being directed by their Middle School band teacher as well as the High School band teacher. In addition, there is usually a teacher doing an internship to finish their college degree, be it Bachelor Degree or Master's Degree. It really gives your child and excellent band experience. Our Hayden is in 8th Grade and invited us to watch their performance. 

When we attended Hayden's Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, Claude bid on Hometown Pizzas and was the highest bidder. We used our two free large pizzas to feed the family on Wednesday, October 17th. We picked up the pizza and left it and two big salads to share at the Marx home. Then we hurried to watch Bailey at her cross country practice. Hayden stayed at his school to help Mr. Wise, his band teacher, set up the gym for the concert. After Andie finished work, she joined us at Bailey's practice. When practice was over, we went to the Marx home for a bite of dinner before the concert. Michael joined us at the house.

For this particular concert, the band kids are allowed to wear whatever costume they want as long as they can play their instrument. Hayden opted to be a Phantom Ghost. I am sure this fits in with some movie or game or something, but, alas, I am too old to be aware of where it fits in a young person's life today. So, in the pictures you will find Hayden in what looks like a black hoodie with gloves that cover his arms so they look like a skeleton. 

Now, for pictures that I always call the 'Many Face of Hayden' during the concert.
The Oldham County Middle school played three numbers by themselves. They were "Ghost of the Lost Ship", "Apparitions" and "Shadows Unleashed". Two of these were led by the student teacher. The final one was led by Mr. Wise. The other bands each played two numbers. The finale was all three schools bands playing "Music from Jurassic Park". It was an excellent concert. 

As soon as that concert was over, Hayden was ripping off that costume. It was tight around his head and he was profoundly happy to have it off. I believe Andie will snip it a bit so it is a little more loose for Halloween and things they attend during that time.
We said our goodbyes and we were off to Sadieville. It is always fun to hear one of these concerts. I am constantly amazed at the level these young people play music. 

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