Wednesday, December 19, 2018

An Oops Trying to do What is Right...

Tuesday, December 11th, Claude and I planned to go to the Temple in Louisville. I planned to visit two ladies and then visit Papa, Claude had a KIA Board Meeting. He was going to pick me up at the nursing home and then we would leave my car and go to the Temple. That was the plan...

We received a call from the man we had come to check our roof. He is an independant, self-owned worker. He had time and the weather was going to be okay that Tuesday for him to work on the roof. One of us needed to be here when he did that. He thought it would only be half a day and he would come in the morning. Hmmm....Time for Plan B! Claude could be home in the morning. I went to visit the two ladies I had appointments with, then I hurried home to be there with the roofer while Claude headed to Frankfort for his meeting. As I suspected, the roofing job took a bit longer than our guy expected. I did not make it in to visit Papa. I am diligent about seeing Papa every day so when life happens and I can't get there, he understands, and, since his memory is going, he doesn't remember the next day when I come. This helps with my concern when he doesn't get a visit. 
I took this picture and posted it on Facebook with the caption "Merry Christmas to us!" Claude commented, "That is NOT Santa Claus!" Such silliness. This guy, whose name is Dale but I will call Imus because he looks exactly like Imus in the Morning, is a really nice man and did a good job...we hope. Claude got home just as he was finishing. After he left, we prepared to leave to get to Louisville.

Claude purchased dinner for us at Mark's Feed in Louisville. It is a really good barbecue place and the dinners were purchased as part of the raffle at Hayden's Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner. We had a really good meal and finished with just enough time to get to the temple in rush hour traffic. 

Alas, when Claude pulled into the Temple parking lot, no one was there. The Temple was closed for a couple of weeks. We had the schedule wrong in our heads. We thought they were open the first two weeks of December and then closed over Christmas and New Year's. We determined we would still get points for trying so hard to get there. Next year we'll check their calendar better!

We did go to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. Tried to get in contact with the Marx family to see if we could bring them an impromptu Dilly Bar but, alas, they were out and about on many fronts. 

That morning while visiting Katie Werner, I told her our plans and how it seems Satan works really hard when we try to do something good to have the good thing not work out. She agreed and shared a story from her life about just that. After our not getting to go into the Temple, I texted Katie and said I wanted to share something that would make her laugh. She did get a good chuckle out of our efforts. 

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