Thursday, December 20, 2018

Let's End This Year with Medical Stuff...

What a year medically speaking! I just don't go to the doctor except for my annual mammogram. Other than that, my only visits to a doctor have been when something really needed attention. Not so this year. This month in particular Claude will see every doctor he sees about any health needs. Every single one. 

This year I have had the problem with my rotator cuff and my Moh's surgery on my nose as well as the normal eye visits and dental cleanings and mammogram. I got something from the clindamycin given to me as an antibiotic after my Moh's surgery and spent several weeks trying to get that issue eliminated from my life. 

Wednesday, December 12th, we took Claude to Cynthiana for a colonoscopy. He is on the every 5 year plan. Last we I took him to Lexington for out-patient surgery that will take a while to heal completely. 

December 10th, Claude visited his audiologist and purchased the latest and greatest in hearing aid technology. He can even stream music from his cell phone to his hearing aid. Really. He also has an app on his phone that he an use to adjust his hearing aid himself. Really. The man is going bionic!!

But Monday, Monday was our record for doctor visits in one day. 

First, Claude. He has been feeling like his dental implant (that took two tries to get in place) was failing. He was sure it felt wobbly. He had a dentist visit Monday morning and, sure enough, it was not good. The crown came off and Claude went to the surgeon to have him check the bone. The surgeon felt they could screw a cap on the post and see if the jawbone would heal. If it does, the post is ready to put a crown back on it. If it doesn't, Claude has assured this surgeon he will not do this again. Ugh... So my Big Guy is healing in two places on his body currently. 

Next, me. My first doctor visit Monday was to the dermatologist. It was the six month follow-up. He checked where the Moh's surgery was done and how it was healing. Assured me it had more healing to do but was fine. Then he check all over and found a dark spot on the outside edge of my left wrist. He asked me if I burned it and I assured him I did not and had no idea that was even there. I mean, I really don't twist my arm around each morning and look at my wrists to find any dark spots. Maybe I should now add that process!? At any rate, the result was to deaden the area and  take a scraping from the area to have tested to be sure it is not cancerous. He doesn't feel like it is but he wants to err on the side of caution. Good doctor. I now sport a big bandage on my left wrist with Vaseline covering the wound underneath. 

In the afternoon at 3:15 I had a visit with our family doctor. This was just a well check visit. It seems Medicare wants these done annually. I have not done that. This year I was sure I saw Dr. Lyon enough that he would know if I was well or not. However, to check their little box as done with Medicare, Dr. Lyon's office called and told me I had to come in for a check. Okay. I was told to come fasting for any blood work they might need to do. So I only had water through the day. It turns out Dr. Lyon didn't feel inclined to do any more blood work since they did that when I had the reaction to the clindamycin after the Moh's surgery. Great... They gave me the little verbal Alzheimer's test I have had them do multiple times on Papa. When the nurse got to the part where she gives me three items and tells me to remember them and she'll ask for what they were later in the visit, I assured her this is where I would mess up. I answered all questions fine, drew the two pentagons overlapping on the paper she gave me just fine. Then she asked for the three items. Thank heaven, literally, I remembered them. I got 30 right out of 30 questions. Yeah me!! Dr. Lyon came in. I told him about the few things I am concerned about. He had me stand with my feet together facing the wall, then close my eyes and see how long I could stand without falling over. I do really believe this is for their amusement. I did it and stood long enough for Dr. Lyon to not be worried about me. Then, bless his kind heart, Dr. Lyon just looked at me and said almost pleadingly, "Is there anything else?" No, nothing else. Then he grinned and told me I was boring and to go home and enjoy living my life!! What a great doctor we have. 

So I am done with the medical stuff till next year. Hallelujah. I am waiting to hear about the results from the wrist but that won't come until next week some time. Claude has a few more trips to make to doctors to end his year with what should be enough medical deductions to help with out taxes. That is about the most bright spot in all this medical stuff. 

On the plus side, Papa is feeling well except for not being able to walk easily. No colds, no flu, etc. This is also a great blessing.

There is a lot of lead in these golden years. However, Claude read in the AARP Magazine that old age doesn't start till into your 70's. So really, we may still be in our middle years at 68 and 69. But we don't think so!!

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