Friday, December 28, 2018

The Many Faces of Christmas

We made it through Christmas!! was fun!!

Thursday, December 20th, the nursing home had a Christmas party for the residents. I went to be with Papa. Santa came to visit. 
Friday, December 21st, Jake would arrive in the late evening. He left after work and drove down to Kentucky. He did have a little weather to contend with but he made good time and we were very happy when he came in the house safe and happy.

Saturday, December 22nd, Jake took us out for lunch as part of our Christmas gift. We opted to try Roosters in Georgetown. This allowed me to stay after lunch and visit with Papa. Jake was able to get some writing done. It was a good day. When I got home I made divinity with pecans and milk chocolate fudge. Yum. Channeling my inner Mimi. Brought back so many good memories of my Mother making a box full of candies and mailing them to us for Christmas each year. Even further back was the pink depression glass cookie jar my Mother won at the fair when she was a little girl. I have it and fondly remember it always having fudge or divinity or peanut brittle in it. We watched a Christmas movie and enjoyed a quiet evening at home.

Sunday, December 23rd, Jake went with Claude and I to Sacrament Meeting. It was a beautiful Christmas program with lots of music and readings from the scriptures. We very much enjoyed this great infusion of Christmas spirit. After a nice lunch together, the boys headed home and I went to visit Papa. Claude would get his Sunday afternoon nap. Jake would get his writing project finished. The Marx family was to have joined us in the evening.We switched the Grid so that Claude smoked the brisket to have for dinner when they arrived. However, Andie was not well and wanted to spend one more day resting at home before they came. So Jake, Claude and I enjoyed brisket and left a generous amount for everyone else and sandwiches on Monday.

Monday, December 24th, I would stay home all day. Final preparations for the Marx arrival. I made chicken enchiladas. Michael requested this as part of our Christmas feasting. The Marx family arrived about 2pm and we had our big meal after they arrived. Andie was still a bit sick and rested on the sofa. This year I purchased a set of warm clothes for each of the Mini's and let them open them on Christmas Eve. We don't usually open any presents on Christmas Eve so this was a treat.
Jake likes to attend Midnight Mass at a Catholic church in Chelsea. He planned to attend St. John's Catholic Church Midnight Mass this Christmas. I asked if I could join him and he was happy to have me do that. This was a really good experience for Jake and me. I ran into several people we know in Georgetown. The Whelan's were also there and we sat behind them. Sandy was our previous City Clerk here is Sadieville and they live down the street from us. There was a group of men who sang and played guitars. We arrived about 11:30 to be sure to get a seat and enjoyed singing with this group of men. The priest was a very jolly fellow of Asian descent. He had a colorful way with words and peppered his address with several that emphasized his feelings. The hardest part of the evening for me was the kneeling. My knees are not good and kneeling on a board, even if it was covered with padding and leather, was very difficult. We enjoyed the service and it was fun to see how others worship. The bottom line for all of us is our love for the Savior and what his life means to those who worship him. It was nice to see that commonality and to feel that love. We got home just before 2am.

Tuesday, December 25th we all agreed to awake when Bailey was ready. I had asked Andie if Bailey still believed in Santa. She said she thought she knew but she was still pretending to believe. Hayden clearly understands his parents are Santa. So we were up and ready to open gifts at 8am. Not bad for a wake-up time on a Christmas morning. Here is the family on the steps before the opening of gifts begins. Top to Bottom: Jake & Claude, Andie & Michael, Hayden & Bailey.
After the obligatory Stairs Picture, we are all upstairs to let the Marx family go through their stockings. This year I filled a stocking for Jake. Then the presents are opened. I have given over the getting presents from under the tree and passing them out to the Mini's. Here are a few pictures from the opening present portion of our morning.
Hayden thanking Michael for a gift.
Michael gave Hayden and Bailey little timers. They were confused. Michael assured them it was for when they go down stairs and are told they should be back up in so many minutes. They could set their little timers and then return at the correct time.  
We gave Hayden a set of Harry Potter books. He was happy with them. 
We gave Hayden and Bailey Big Bang Theory t-shirts to celebrate their love of this television show. Hayden would finish the 11th season during this Christmas visit.
I gave Claude a 4-hour drive in a ATV on Black Mountain in Kentucky. He was very happy with that gift.
Nissa and Todd gave Jake this wonderful blanket to keep warm in. It celebrates our family's love of Star Wars.
We received the video from Katelyn. The Ropers found out Friday if they are having a boy or girl. Well, they sort of found out. The technician couldn't get the baby to roll around so she could get a clear picture. So, she told them she would put what she thought it was in an envelope but they needed to understand it might not be that on a later ultrasound. Katelyn took the envelope and gave it to the bakery who decorated and wrapped three cookies in the color of the soon-to-be-Roper and gave them to Katelyn. Katelyn waited till she was with Drew and Raelyn and they took a video of Raelyn opening her cookie. It was pink!! So, if all holds as believed, we will have great grandmonster #3 in May and it will be a girl. Raelyn was very happy but it could have been because of the cookie she was getting more than the understanding she will have a baby sister. Fun Christmas Day adventure for our family.

This clever gift to Claude from Nissa and Todd says "World's Greatest DAD" using guitar chords to spell DAD. How cool is that?
I picked up Papa after we opened gifts and had breakfast. We saved our presents for him to open and I helped him get two gifts for Hayden and Bailey which they opened in front of him. He was happy with that much opening of gifts. 

The afternoon was filled with VR watching, puzzle making and playing on our devices, even Papa played his game on my old Kindle.
Claude prepared a wonderful ham dinner for us to enjoy. I made Frosty mix and put it in the freezer. It froze solid. The recipe said it would not do that. Hmmmm... In the evening, we finished the puzzle. This is the first year in forever that I didn't have a puzzle to finish on my own because we couldn't get it done before everyone left.  
I got Papa back to the nursing home before they locked the front door. He was worn out and ready to be back to his home. 

Wednesday morning was hair cut time and pack-up-to-go-home time. Much commotion was made over being sure the Mini's didn't leave anything behind. About 1pm they all pulled out of the driveway and headed to their respective homes. I happened to go in the guest bedroom where Jake had resided during his visit. Leaning against the wall by the window and behind the sheer curtain and the houseplant was this gift. I just burst into laughter. You see, Claude and I took this gift to Michigan when Bonnie visited months before. It was an odd size and we didn't want to have to mail it. Jake saved it and brought it back with him to open on Christmas. It was not opened and he left without it. Oh my!! I took this picture and texted it to Jake. When he stopped for lunch he received the text and laughed at it too. We will now schedule a lunch date and meet him half-way between here and Chelsea so he can open his Christmas gift. Such silliness. 
This morning Claude and I woke up and headed outside to get the exterior decorations down and into the house. There is a forecast for 50mph wind gusts with rain today and into Friday. We didn't want any of them to blow away. Took us about 45 minutes to get them all down and inside. Claude can package them for storage later. 

It was a good Christmas. Good times with family. 

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