Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bailey is Beta...

Monday, May 6th, our Bailey was inducted into the Beta Club. The Beta Club requires the student have and maintain a 3.5 grade point average or better and complete at least 20 hours of service each year. So, basically study and serve. Both are very good things to learn in your growing up years. Learning them and making them a part of your life will serve you well as an adult. 

As Claude and I drove to attend this event, we found ourselves the only car behind this vehicle! I mean really. We were in the Jeep. Nothing 'oversized' about the Jeep. We both did have a chuckle about this. The real 'oversized' vehicle was way, way, way behind us somewhere. 
We stopped at Steve O's and picked up pizza, salad and rolls for dinner at the Marx home. There would be just a few minutes to get them together and Bailey to Oldham County Middle School early. The kids were very happy to have pizza come in the door.

When we got the OCMS gym, Michael was already there holding seats for us. Bailey was off to meet the rest of the inductees in the library. 

A bit after 6pm they walked all the kids in and sat them in rows. Doesn't our girl look so happy to be there? To be fair she was up early for a full day of school and then track practice after school before hurrying home to get ready for this program. Whew!!
One of the teachers introduced the program and explained what Beta Club was about. Then the kids walked to the front as their row was called and, when their name was called, they went to another teacher who presented them with a certificate and pin. The entire program lasted 30 minutes. 

We wanted to take some pictures so we went outside the school to the picnic tables under a tree. 
Bonnie, Claude's mother, has her 91st birthday in June. We wanted new pictures of our family to give to her. We took the Marx family picture under the tree. 
Before we took these pictures, I had the Mini's sit on the picnic table to be sure we could use that spot. I managed to get this picture of Hayden while practicing some shots. Boy is our young man growing up!!
It is always fun to support the family. We will make two more trips to LaGrange in May. This was a fun trip for sure. Proud of our Bailey for wanting to fill her life with good things.

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