Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday, May 21st thru Fri, May 26th...

Sunday, May 21st, Julia Carvalho graduated from high school in Muskegon, Michigan. Julia is the exchange student from Brazil that has lived with the Roper family this school year. She if very much a part of their family. Raelyn has totally enjoyed having a big sister. These are pictures of the Ropers and Julia on her graduation day. 
Monday, May 22nd, Claude set to work building the platform on the side of our home and creating a small flower bed where we are sure grass will never grow. 

I took three pictures of before the project when we measured and came to an agreement as to what will happen with the spot. The window is to Sandiland. 
This is the work as it progressed on Monday. Once Claude got the edging we bought, he had to go back a get a few more edge bricks. When he put the platform of red brick down, there was a bit of an edge. We decided to also put the flower bed edging along that front edge to keep the soil in place and then extend it to where we wanted the flower bed. The final results of the bed and platform are something we are both very pleased with. We would purchase the right plants on Tuesday. 
I had an appointment with Dr. Fine, my podiatrist, at 1pm. I am having some neuropathy in my feet. He did a little test with me closing my eyes and him touching my toes to see if I could feel when he touched them with this tiny instrument. The only toe I could not feel was my big toe on my right foot. This is the toenail that Dr. Fine cut a small sliver of the nail to keep it from always growing into an ingrown toenail. The nerves have healed up really well but not completely. Dr. Fine suggested a neurologist to see about all the nerves and what exactly is happening. I asked to put that off for a bit to get through Claude's surgery and recovery. 

After Dr. Fine's visit, I went to the grocery store and purchased a graduation card for Hayden. This would be on Saturday. Then I went to the church and practiced the organ. I will play two Sunday's in June. I got to pick the hymns for those two Sundays. I wanted to practice while I had a day I could do so and not be rushed. It is always so nice to sit and play the organ. Love it.

When I got home, Claude had finished the flower bed and was sitting on the patio taking a break. I joined him. Our chipmunk friends were out again. In this picture, he or she is standing on their hind legs with their front feet on the flower bed. The hole they have made is just behind him under the decorative grass planted there. There are clearly two chipmunks. They played chase around the yard while we watched. Claude said before I got there, one came right down the steppingstones, stopped, looked up at him for a bit, then ran off under the gas grill. Oh My!!
We watched an episode of Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods, Delicious Destinations. It was focused on a city in the south. They had fried chicken at one of the restaurants. As Claude watched the show, he kept saying, "This makes me hungry for fried chicken." I said to him, "Would you like me to fry chicken for dinner tomorrow night?" He said yes. So, Monday Claude took four chicken breasts out of the freezer to thaw. I fried those, boiled some rice and we had left over cucumber and tomato salad with them. Claude was so happy for this good meal. I used the chicken drippings from frying with the flour I had seasoned to bread the chicken for the thickener. Turned out really good. Now, you must understand, I no longer cook. Claude does all of our cooking. Haven't really cooked much in several years. Felt good to know I could still do that and that Claude really enjoyed it. Especially given I will have to do the cooking as Claude heals from his surgery.

Tuesday, May 23rd, started our day with breakfast at Chick-fil-A. Claude loves their chicken minis. They only have them at breakfast. He doesn't get them very often anymore. We seem to default to Bojangles as it serves biscuits all day long. We are not early risers. However, this day we wanted to go to Lowe's to plant shop before my Zoom training meeting at 11am. Claude very much enjoyed his chicken minis. 

At Lowe's we found plants to fill our latest need. We decided to put additional liriope along the fence in the back yard. We found and purchased 12 more liriope plants. The other area was the new flower bed under Sandiland's window of the side yard. We purchased three lavender plants to go in that bed. Also purchased another big bag of dirt to supplement what is in the current beds. 
Home we drove to set up for my Zoom training. On the way home, we noted a lot of cars pulled to the side of the road. Several police officer cars and a fire engine or two. Later, when home, we received an alert on our phones. Monday there was a police officer killed in the line of duty. A man shot him, then fled in his car, broke into a home and took the homeowners car, drove to Lexington and shot another person and took their car. The police eventually tracked him down and arrested him. The officer that was shot in Georgetown died. They were carrying his body from I-64 up Paynes Depot Road (we call this our extended driveway). They would turn at the by-pass in Georgetown and go up Broadway to Main Street in Georgetown. Then turn on that and go out 62 to Cynthiana to the funeral home at which his body will stay until the funeral. The first responder vehicles were there for this procession. 

How we love Claude's Jeep and the utility vehicle it is. Not the smoothest ride in the world. But a great working vehicle with an ability to park just about anywhere. Another toy Claude purchased that seemed a might silly to me at the time was this wagon. However, as with so many ideas in our marriage, this turned out to be a great idea. Claude's back gives him major problems. Before, we would have walked back and forth several times carrying heavy things. Now, the wagon does the carrying to the back yard. We would leave it full in the backyard until Wednesday, when we planted all these plants.
Had a very good Zoom training meeting with Sarah Harward. I have been called to serve as the secretary to our Stake Communications Council. Claude is the director of the council. Sarah is the secretary for the regional council. Good information and happy Claude sat in it with me so he also got that information. Now I have things to read and videos to watch to complete my training. Then Claude will determine the best way to utilize my service in our Stake Communication Council. 

In the evening, we drove to the Louisville Temple to attend a session there. This is always a 'cup filling' experience. I also enjoy seeing people I know in the temple. Last night I saw Tracy Angel, who is in our stake, Doreen Beaver, who is in the Frankfort Ward and now in the Crestwood Stake, and Suzanne Russell, who is a friend from my childhood in Louisiana. She and her hubby will leave for a mission in California in July. 

On the way home, we both agreed a treat was in order. We opted to go down I-64 a bit before we got that treat. Claude pulled into the Dairy Queen in Simpsonville. We got to the ordering spot in the drive-thru and the lady immediately told us they had no ice cream! Can you believe a Dairy Queen with NO ice cream. We left the drive-thru and went into the Pilot station next door. They have a Wendy's. We would simply shift gears and have a Frosty instead. Claude got to the order spot in the drive-thru and asked for two small strawberry Frosty's. He was told they had no Frosty's that day! Again! Was it an epidemic? There was a McDonald's close but we were concerned there was something in the air in Simpsonville so we drove to Waddy and pulled into Love's. Claude filled the Jeep with gas. He tried to clean the window as the green Jeep is a bug magnet. They had no squeegy. Then we drove through the McDonald's and ordered two McFlurries. This they had and we got them but received no napkins. We pulled into a parking spot and ate our McFlurries. Then opted to drive on home where we knew we had the things we wanted and needed!! 

Wednesday, May 24th, I was awake at 7am. Claude had gone to the other bedroom during the night which meant he was having a restless night. I got out of bed at 8am realizing no more sleep was in my future. I dressed to work in the yard, got my breakfast and sat on the sofa in the study. Claude woke up and was surprised to find me there. He got dressed and had his breakfast. Then we were ready to work. Well, I was ready to work. Claude would go along with me. He seemed to be getting a cold. Thought it was allergies but his voice is lowering and that is always a sign he has a cold. 

Outside I took pictures of the liriope as it currently looked. 
We purchased these liriope to line the fence in the backyard in the fall of 2021 after we purchased our home. Lowe's was at the end of its plant selling season. They had 12 plants left. We purchased the 12 plants and spaced them evenly across the fence line. For two years we have enjoyed these plants but always said it would be nice if there were 12 more between these 12. This day, we would plant an additional 12 plants. These are pictures taken after planting the 12 additional liriope.
Claude dug the holes, I planted the plants and added some new soil to help them along. We made a good team getting this done.

Next, we moved to the new flower bed. We purchased three lavender plants to put in this bed. Again, Claude dug the holes and I planted the plants. When these plants are fully grown, they will be about as tall as the bottom of the window and fill in with each other for a full bed of lavender. The window is to Sandiland, my corner of our home. I love watching the birds and critters play through this window as I work on my lap top. Here is our finished effort.
By 10am, we were finished planting. I got us each a nice beverage and we sat to enjoy our work and this lovely back yard. Claude would get up later and water all these new plants. I would get up and get the bird seed to refill the bird feeder, water three of the plants on the patio in containers, and clean my back glass storm door where somehow, I am not sure how, but somehow, a bird managed to leave a deposit on the glass. 

When the sun started to hit us, we went inside. We shared a container of raspberries for lunch while sitting on the sofa in the study. I love this spot in our home. Then Claude took a nap while I did my fingernails and started the laundry for this week. 

In the evening, we opted to have dinner at Cattleman's Roadhouse. I felt like Claude needed a good steak. I ordered my usual, salmon with steamed broccoli. They serve this with a honey bourbon barbecue sauce. I asked for extra of this sauce because I do love it. Ruby Tuesday's served their salmon with this barbecue sauce. They closed in Georgetown. I thought that was then end of my favorite dinner there. Then I learned that Cattleman's Roadhouse also served their salmon with the same sauce. I now know to ask for extra sauce. Claude loves to put sauces on foods. I suggested he try a bit of my honey bourbon barbeque sauce with his steak. He did and loved it. We ended up sharing my extra barbeque cause. Must remember to do this in the future. 

Katelyn shared pictures of our Raelyn playing t-ball.
Thursday, May 25th, was a truly off day. Claude was dealing with a cold. I started out doing pretty good. Claude had a prescription that needed to be picked up at CVS Pharmacy. We decided to do that early and then come home and have a quiet day so Claude could rest and drink lots of liquids. We got the prescription, went through Burger King for a soda and Claude and burger and visited with Lisa Marie at the window, then to Kroger and I went in and bought some cold medicine. By the time we got home, I was feeling achy and sneezing. Oh No!! I did not want a cold at all. Should not have kissed my hubby. Silly Moi!! I sat on the love seat in the living room for the rest of the day. I did try to crochet a bit but my hand was very sore from breaking up dirt as we planted the day before. Not the most productive day but a good day to try and heal and feel better.

Friday, May 26th, up in the morning and out to cut the grass. This time I cut all the lawn. I did the back yard and then took a break. Then the front yard. While I did this, Claude was able to get the edging and blowing clear of grass off all the sidewalks and patio. Then we sat on our patio and enjoyed the beauty and fresh air. Man that is a bit of heaven on earth.

In the afternoon, I did the ironing and finished some scanning I needed to do. Also some work on my lap top. Then a quiet evening at home.

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