Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do You See What I See???

Sunday, while sitting in Church I watched some really cute relationships. A young girl turned 14 and was to enter the Mia Maid class in the Young Women's program at Church. She was invited by the Bishop to the stand and he complimented her on her achievements. He asked her to share some feelings over the pulpit. Now, I've learned over the years the best thing to observe at this time is the parents sitting in the congregation. So I turned to my left to find her parents. The smile, really a HUGE grin, on her mom's face said volumes. What a sweet and joyous moment. Then later in the meeting I watched the families that always sit in front of us. One of these families has 5 children. The youngest is about our Hayden's age. The older brother is 10 or so. They were sitting on the pew together. I watched the younger brother look up at his older brother. Then that older brother did just the right thing. He reached his arm around the little brother and just sat there snuggling that little brother. What another sweet and joyous moment. Okay, I really was paying attention to the speakers but my mind just flits around sometimes and I see these things that bring happiness and peace to my heart. Then I noted the mission president and his sweet wife sitting on the stand. I thought of all the hours they put into their service. They both spoke and I felt really good about their example and leadership to all those young men and young women serving missions in the Louisville Kentucky Mission. What a comfort to these young men and women's parents to know they have such a valiant and dedicated couple leading the mission their young people are serving in. What a sweet and joyous moment. Tuesday I went to orient a new Relief Society president in our stake. It was about an hour drive to and from her home. Her hubby works from home and he answered the door. We had a wonderful visit about dogs, Hawaii, family, and other things. Then I sat with this good sister from Church and shared with her the things that I hoped would get her off to a good start. I love this part of my calling in the Church. I have been a ward Relief Society president two times in my life. It is a very demanding calling in the Church. I believe I know a bit about what this good sister is being asked to do. And as I visited with her I appreciated her honesty, her cheerful desire and eagerness to serve. I appreciated her understanding of what good counselors and a secretary she has to serve with her. It was just wonderful to feel that energy and enthusiasm. What a sweet and joyous moment. Tuesday evening I went to City Hall for a meeting with the President, Vice-President and myself (Secretary/Treasurer) for the Friends of Sadieville Renaissance committee. We are new to these positions and wanted to get our agenda ready before the meeting with the board later this month. Their are a lot of good things happening with learning and preserving the history of Sadieville. It will take a lot of work and it can only be done by volunteers working together because they love their little town. Ideas were shared, possibilities discussed, and areas we felt we could contribute best were noted. We left ready to begin our time of service to our community. What a sweet and joyous moment. After this meeting the City Clerk and I walked up the hill to our cars together. She shared with me a CD that she enjoys listening to. It is of a man who is a Christian Jew. The music her performs has actually been recorded often in Israel. The 9th track on the CD reminds her of me. She loaned me the CD to listen to. I put the CD in and played that track on my way home. She was right on target. It is just the kind of soothing melody I enjoy and tender words that make you feel and appreciate. I've enjoyed listening to that CD today and am grateful she felt comfortable sharing it with me. I'm going to share my Bruce Feilor books with her. What a sweet and joyous friendship to have. This afternoon I went to the nursing home. Usually I take a bag with pictures and bits of needlework for my mom to look at. The last two weeks I have not taken that bag. Instead I've covered my mom in the huge granny square I crocheted of many colors of crochet thread or the lap blanket that Katelyn made her a Christmas time. Today I set my purse on the table in front of her. It is a homemade purse out of quilted purple floral stripped print fabric. It zips shut and I had it zipped. It was sitting in front of Mimi. She worked at unclasping her hands so she could touch the fabric. I went to her room to get the big crocheted square for her. When I returned she was still playing with the cloth straps on this purse. I put the crocheted square close to Mimi's face and shoulders and left her hands free. She squeezed the outside pockets of the purse and played with those straps the entire hour Papa played and sang and while I joined him in singing. I asked her at one point if the fabric felt familiar. She didn't respond. But I just couldn't help but wonder if, after all those years of sewing everything from suits for Papa to lingerie to wedding dresses and on and on, that it didn't strike a cord with her. I have an old purse that is cloth with cloth straps. I may label it Virginia Lawrence and take it to the nursing home for her to touch. What a sweet and joyous moment. Life is good. There is a lot to be grateful for and to enjoy. It is beginning to be too busy and too hectic again after vacation and Christmas and bad colds. But it is nice to know I can pause and look at what is really happening of importance and find it sweet and full of joy.

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