Saturday, September 29, 2012

An Average Week...

I don't post every day. But, for my own memory, this is an average week for me.

Sunday, September 23rd:
Papa's car was in the shop so I picked him up for Church. He was having really bad allergy issues and his back was hurting. He stayed after the Primary Children's program to teach his Primary class, then I took him home. I told him he needed to call his doctor on Monday because I was sure he had more than allergies. I headed home after I dropped Papa off and spent the afternoon and evening working on my next Institute lesson. We were to cover all of Mark (16 chapters) and it was going to take a lot of thought, prayer and listening to the Spirit to be sure I prepared the pieces that we needed for our Institute class.

Monday, September 24th:
This day I set aside to be sure all the house cleaning was done in preparation for the baby shower to be held in our home the next evening. Claude helped by running the vacuum. I cleaned three bathrooms (I did the 4th one the week previous), did my laundry and ironing, dusted, cleaned the kitchen, and straightened out my sewing room. In the evening I hit the books again to study for Institute. During the day I called Papa to see how he was doing and if he called the doctor yet. He said he wanted to wait one more day. He sounded much worse. He did get his car back and was happy about that.

Tuesday, September 25th:
Baby shower day - I baked two cakes and iced them (see previous post), put the baby blanket to be tied on the dining room table and pinned it where it needed to be tied, set up the counter for the buffet and the breakfast room table for the punch table, and did the finishing touches like wrapping my gifts. I also made a visiting teaching visit during the morning. Then I hit the books for my Institute lesson until time for the baby shower. In the evening we had the shower after which I called Junie who had called during the shower. Then I crashed for the hour left in my day.

Wednesday, September 26th:
Papa tried to get a doctors appointment but they were extremely overbooked. They did make him an appointment for Thursday at 3:30pm. He sounded much worse so I was very happy he finally got an appointment. I spent the morning calling all the Countryside Homemakers to remind them of our meeting, what food was being served so they could pick their side dish or dessert and what to bring to work on a craft. The rest of the morning I spent working on my Institute lesson. In the afternoon, Claude had a meeting in Georgetown so we shared a trip in to town. We stopped first at Papa's apartment and got a DVD to play at the nursing home. Claude dropped me and the DVD off at the nursing home while he went to his meeting. I got two more squares completed on my next baby blanket I'm crocheting, finished reading a book and read through some more of my September Ensign. Claude picked me up and we headed to Fazoli's for dinner before heading home. I would spend the evening starting to bind the baby blanket and a bit more studying. I also worked on getting my agenda ready for our next Countryside Homemaker's meeting.

Thursday, September 27th:
Called Papa to remind him to not take his Warfarin in preparation for his colonoscopy scheduled for this coming Tuesday. He sounded awful. I arranged with him to come and take him to the doctor in the afternoon. The morning was spent finishing up the Institute lesson. I picked up Papa in the afternoon and, after collecting his mail that I take care of, I took him to his bank, then to see Dr. Weckman. The diagnosis was bronchitis in the bottom of each lung. Dr. Weckman said if he had waited one more day it would have been a very bad case of pneumonia. Medications were prescribed and Papa and I headed to the pharmacy to pick them up. I got Papa home and was sure he understood he needed to take one capsule then and another before bed, then 3 a day until they are all gone. He was worn out and ready to stretch out in his sofa chair. I headed to Lexington. I got me some dinner at Arby's, then drove to the Church parking lot to read and let my cell phone charge until time to go in and set up for my Institute class. I taught Institute and headed home for the evening. Claude was happy to get left over cake when I got home.

Friday, September 28th:
Claude and Andie set this day aside to work on a Pinterest project Andie wanted to get done. I'll post that next so I won't dwell on it here. We were on the road in the morning after a pit stop at McDonald's for a drive-thru breakfast. The day would be spent at Casa Marx. We would return late in the evening.

Saturday, September 29th (today):
This was the week I signed Claude and me up to take our turn at cleaning the Church. We met Mickie Zuccato at 8am and were finished by 10am. We stopped by Papa's to give him some more Church News to read and be sure he was okay. I came away with his bills and other mail for me to take care of. That will be this evening's project. We stopped at City Hall and retrieved the new sound system. Detta came over after we got home with the rest of the pieces and to give Claude his training in using it. Claude and I would both stop and take a little nap. Claude took the sound system into Georgetown and helped them set it up for the grand opening tomorrow afternoon of a new display. I finished binding the quilt, took my pictures off my camera from Friday, started eMailing them to Andie and getting my Blog done. This evening I'll work on Papa's paperwork, order a book to read from our library, prepare the stenciling class I have to teach in November to the Countryside Homemakers so I have a sample to show at our meeting next week and then I just might crash for the evening.

Not everything is listed here but enough to let me know I can fill a day pretty well with good things.

Now for the chuckle...Wednesday night before going to be I plugged my cell phone into the charger. When I took it off the charger Thursday, the battery indicator showed it only had about a quarter of a charge to it. I was thinking maybe my battery was getting old and needed to be replaced. That is why I spent some time in the Church parking lot Thursday evening charging my cell phone while I read. Thursday night before bed I went to plug my cell phone into the charger for the night. It didn't seem like that little lightning bolt was showing to indicate the battery was charging. Now I was wondering if my problem was not an old battery but a bad charger. I put on my glasses to be sure I was not seeing the lightning bolt. Nope, it wasn't there. Then I noticed my problem. Can you guess what it was? Yep, the charger was not plugged into the outlet. It really can't do it's job unless there is some current coming into it. Silly Moi!!

Now let's fill another week...

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