Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Preparing For A Pink Bundle...

Last night Jennie Jenkins and I hosted a baby shower for Daniele Rocabado. I am Daniele's visiting teacher and Jennie is her visiting teaching companion. This will be Daniele's 3rd child. She is expecting a little girl whom she intends naming Maya. All her baby things are in Boliva so the shower was important for her preparing to deliver Maya in a few weeks.

I made two cakes for refreshments. They are topped with baby booties. These are very easy to make. Just use 3 marshmallows. Stack two on top of each other and insert a toothpick through them to keep them together. Then set a third marshmallow in front of the bottom marshmallow and insert a toothpick through them to keep them in place. That gives you the shape of the bootie. Place it on your cake and ice with the little star tip. You can use the line tip to make the bows and write. I decided this time to make bows out of ribbons and use that instead of icing. I think I like the real ribbon bows bette
Our guests were encouraged to bring a little treat that is easy that they like to fix for their kids to add to refreshments. I made cheese cubes with a pretzel stick stuck in them. Jennie provided my favorite punch, you know, the one that had pineapple and stuff frozen in a ring and you pour ginger ale over it and it turns to this luscious slush mix. I also put out M&M's and mixed nuts.

Jennie and I determined we wouldn't play any games. These were all ladies from church and some are fairly new in our ward (congregation). We felt we should just spend some time visiting and getting to know each other better. Instead of a game, I purchased fabric to make a baby quilt and had it all ready and laying on the dining room table. It was a nice place and activity for the ladies to gather and tie and talk. I should have turned the corner so you can see the fabric on the other side. The side showing is pink gingham which makes knowing where to place ties easier. The flip side is striped with little deep pink rose buds. Beverly Wheeler and I were saying how much we love that rosebud side. It reminds us of ticking which is a fabric that pillows and mattresses and things like that were made out of years ago. Brings back good memories.
I was amused how everyone congregated in the kitchen instead of the comfy chairs in the living room. Isn't that how it always is? Some of life's best moments are in the kitchen of a home.

After we visited and had refreshments and finished tying the baby quilt, I invited everyone into the living room to watch Daniele open their gifts to baby Maya.
It was a lovely evening. Enjoyed having the ladies in our home. Claude took snacks and projects and had an evening in the basement. I took him cake and punch also.
Now I must bind that baby quilt so it can be given to Daniele. I'm off like a herd of turtle!!

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