Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One Out Of Three...

Today I drove into Georgetown to pick up my hubby and bring him home. He had his Jeep in for service, they needed to take longer to do regular maintenance that aren't done very often and Claude just wanted to be home for that 4-5 hours instead of sitting in a service waiting room. I sincerely think that is logical.

As I drove into Georgetown it occurred to me that Papa took his car to the shop on Wednesday and it is still there. That meant that out of the car that each of the three of us own, only my was on the road. It just struck me as interesting.

This was the first time out of my home since Sunday evening. So I've only been out of my home one out of three days.

With the house open because of no air conditioning since Friday the 7th, the windows have been open to let air in and the fans have been on to circulate that air. Saturday I was outside all day long for Sadieville in September. The pollens have been having a field day with my sinuses. By Sunday I was concerned it might now be more than allergies. I woke up Monday morning and was pretty sure I had at minimum a cold.

They fixed the air conditioner on Monday and I cheerfully shut my home up and let the air settle a bit. A friend on Facebook was happy she could turn her air conditioner off because the temperatures were only in the 70's. I hated to not take advantage of that fact but I truly needed some relief. Sometimes, it is just a matter of perspective.

By Monday evening I was having chills and started taking some Bufferin I had on hand to stop any fever I might be running. At 6:30pm I headed to bed and stayed there until 7:30am Tuesday morning. The best medicine for a cold is rest and liquids. My water stayed by my side and the cough drops stayed in the roof of my mouth and I slept as much as my body would sleep.

Tuesday I just stayed home and worked on my Institute lesson, took my Bufferin as needed and rested as needed while drinking lots of water.

Today I awoke feeling a mite better. Not a huge amount but a mite and that felt very, very good. Claude was out of the house for a meeting before I was out of bed. Then he called about 10am to ask me to come and get him at Frank Shoop.

On the way in I thought about two things. I know, 20 minutes should create more thoughts than two but, really, my head is full. 

The first was how blessed I was that Papa was not in his car making the run he wanted to do to the Blue Ridge in his car. Thank heaven it broke while he was in Georgetown and he was able to nurse it along to Frank Shoop to get it fixed.

The second was that it was Wednesday and Papa and I were supposed to sing at the nursing home. Well, my voice is quite raspy so singing was not happening for me. I called Papa and suggested that I come to his apartment after I picked up Claude, he would give me a DVD for the residents to view at the nursing home, I would drop it off as we left Georgetown. Papa was so very happy. That took a load off his mind and it meant I could go home and not worry about it either. The nursing home was happy to get the DVD.

This afternoon we learned Papa's car won't be fixed until Saturday at the earliest. The guy best trained to do the work they believe needs to be done is in school tomorrow and Friday. He won't be back in the shop until Saturday. So Claude and I plotted to come in tomorrow and have dinner before I head to Lexington to teach Institute and Claude stays in Georgetown for an evening meeting. Papa was happy for the break he will get from his apartment.

Isn't life just grand?  So, now we have 2 out of 3 cars back on the road and I've spent 2 out of 3 days at home.  Now for a quiet evening of rest.

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