Saturday, September 14, 2013


Tuesday, September 10th, we made the change for Papa.  I Blogged before about the chair and table I purchased for Papa.  I recorded in that Blog the gyrations he went through to get out of the old sofa/lounge chair. Well, Tuesday was the day the new chair came and the old sofa went. I received the phone call Monday afternoon that they would deliver between 12:30pm and 3:30pm.  But we should be there a half hour before just in case they were early. Now, it seems they should just say between 12:00pm and 3:30pm but that just may be me picking at little stuff.

Tuesday morning we talked with the missionaries from Church again. They were to be the brute strength with Claude to remove the old sofa. They were available at 11am.

Claude and I headed into Papa's apartment each in our own car. This would allow Claude to leave after the sofa was out and accomplish other things that needed to be done while I stayed until they delivered the new chair and set it up. Claude brought our handtruck and he and I spent some time trying to figure out how to get it to be a rolling dolly. This is a cute little 'Total Trolley' and can be a step ladder, a regular dolly with the one flat piece you lift with or a flat bed dolly. I bought it when we moved to Kentucky nine years ago and we used it after the move a lot. But, it has been nine years and we forgot how to convert it to a flat bed dolly. As it neared 11am, Claude left to pick up the missionaries and I sat with Papa trying to figure the dolly out.  I finally happened upon the right process and had it ready to go when Claude returned.

Claude and the missionaries managed to get the old sofa to the curb. I called Public Works and scheduled the pick-up of the old sofa. Then we were all off to Zaxby's to treat the missionaries to lunch for their help in moving the sofa. They had neither eaten there before and enjoyed wings for lunch. Papa totally enjoyed sharing his stories for the umpteenth-billion time with these new faces. Claude then took the missionaries home and returned my car so I could take Papa home after he finished eating.

About 2:30pm they arrived with the chair. The guy set it up and then told me to put a 9-volt battery in this one place so when the power was out Papa could still raise and lower the chair using battery power instead of electricity. Papa sat in his chair. I put some pillows on a foot stool as his legs are longer than a lounger chairs foot rest on this chair as well as the old sofa. Then I put a pillow in the extra chair for Tiny. Papa's new chair is not as roomy as the old lounge chair on the sofa was. Tiny will have to make her adjustment and sit in the extra chair on the pillow provided for her.

Papa was very happy to have a more comfortable chair.  He has mentioned that several times since getting his new chair.  He is sure he put the pillow on the chair for Tiny.  He is also sure we have to wait a long time for him to get up to answer the phone because he has to wait as the chair lowers before he can get up. I've tried to tell him he was slow before because he was banging on the foot rest part of the old chair to get it down and then straddling the foot rest when it wouldn't go down and jumping across to get away from it.  But he is happy with his comfortable new chair.  And I am happier because I feel he is a little safer and it will be better on his back and legs than the worn out furniture was. 

Next, we get his eyes checked...the saga continues.  

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