Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Interview...

This last Monday Hayden called me. It seems he has been given an assignment in school to interview a grandparent or older family member. Hayden chose me. His call was to let me know what he would be interviewing me about so I had time to think before the interview. I was supposed to tell him a story of something that happened to me before he was born. It was to be a story that I felt was worthy of it being retold over and over again. At that point my mind drifted to Papa and how he retells the same stories over and over again.  I had to bring myself back to the fact Hayden wanted something that had a moral or importance in being shared with future generations, not just the same story over and over. But...I digress.

The plan was for Hayden to call back on Tuesday night and we would Skype to do the interview.  Hayden thought this would be more like a face-to-face interview.

Tuesday night something happened and the Skyping did not occur. We rescheduled for Wednesday evening.

Other things happened and Wednesday was not going to work. We realized Thursday also would not work for the Marx family. Friday Claude and I would not be home. So, I suggested to Andie that Claude and I come and spend the night after our evening at the Rudyard Kipling. Then we would spend Saturday morning with the family and Hayden could do his interview in person. The plan was accepted.

This morning Hayden tapped on the wall at 7am. I got myself up and headed to his room. Bailey was waiting in the hallway for me to wake up.  Hugs were given and we tiptoed into the living room to watch 'The Lorax'.

Andie and Michael woke up later and headed to the Wild Eggs to have breakfast together. 

Claude woke up and we all got ready and headed to Starvin' Marvin's for breakfast only to find it has gone out of business.  So we opted to go to Waffle House instead. The Mini's love Waffle House. It is a tradition with their dad.

After breakfast we headed back to the house. Hayden and I started the story telling followed by the interview in the family room.  Claude and Bailey went to the toy room to play.

Andie and Michael returned and Michael would then leave to referee soccer games. 

When the interview process was complete and notes all recorded, we got the kids ready and headed to the park to play. Hayden and Bailey were all over that playground equipment.  One of the funny things was swinging upside down.
After the playground we headed to Dairy Queen for a treat.  Then it was time for Claude and me to head back to Sadieville. We walked the Mini's and Andie to their car.  Bailey determined she needed to dance with Hayden. As he was showing her how to waltz in the parking lot, Bailey decided she needed a hug from Hayden. He allowed her to give him a big hug and then she planted a big kiss on his cheek.
Oh my goodness, the word 'yuck' that came out of Hayden was hysterical.  It was a delightful end to a fun, full morning.

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