Friday, April 3, 2015

A Rainy Day...

I sit in my sewing/craft/everything room and pause to write a blog post or maybe a couple of blog posts.  So, very far behind in posting to this Blog.  It has been a month since I posted.  That always makes me feel bad but, it is what it is.  I'll just start with today and work my way backwards through the last month.  

Today we are in the midst of some great rain showers.  My last Blog post was about the snow.  Now we finally have spring and the moisture comes in drops and thunder and lightening.  Last night was a magnificent show and really made for an interesting time trying to sleep through it all.  I got out of bed a couple of times and would peek out the window.  Of course it is dark and we have no street lights so I'm looking and hoping to make out what is going on with the creek at the bottom of the hill.  I saw shiny reflections and felt sure that was the water and it appeared to be well over it's banks.  This morning when I checked that belief was confirmed.

This picture was taken during the rain from the deck of our home looking down the hill.  If you look in the center of the creek you see a tree that should be on the bank of the creek.  The water actually came to the edge of where the hill begins to come up from the flat land.  We have two willow trees planted at the place on the edge of the flat where the hill begins to climb upward.  The water was at those trees.  When we see the water that far over the flat land, we know the water at the bridge to enter Eagle Bend is right under the bridge.  If it comes much further, it will begin to cover the bridge and then...if you are in Eagle Bend you stay home till the water recedes or you stay outside of Eagle Bend until the water recedes.  The water is in control of the situation. 
Papa had his regular doctor's visit this morning.  Claude had errands.  Claude and I combined our trips to only use one car today.  As we left Eagle Bend I took these pictures of the bridge area entering Eagle Bend about 9:15am.

This is driving down Eagle Bend Drive toward the bridge and the entry to Eagle Bend subdivision. 
The next picture begins at the left side as I faced the bridge above and goes to the right side as I faced the bridge above.  The third picture is where the dam is located on the creek.  The dam cannot even be seen.
We have lived in Sadieville for 10 1/2 years.  I've watched many floods along this creek in that time.  It still just amazes me and fills me with wonder.  It is a confirming witness to me of the power of our creator.  Humbling to say the least.  It is beautiful in its own right even though these floods create lots of damage and can be scary.  But I do enjoy witnessing these events.

When we came home from our errands, it was about 1:30pm.  The creek was just as high as when we left.  The next to last picture has the old U.S.G.S. Gauging Station.  The guys from U.S.G.S. were on the bridge with a rope in the water taking new measurements.  They have a nifty little metal gauging station now.  But the left the old one for the City of Sadieville and it truly adds some character to the entry to Eagle Bend.

As I type, the thunder begins again.  The water was just beginning to recede and now more rain.  It is supposed to keep up until 8pm tonight, unless the forecast has changed.  I just received an alert that there are tornado warnings where Andie and Michael live.  Thankful they have a basement.  So happy all this much rain didn't come in the form of snow...we would be buried!!!

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