Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Field Day & Whipped Cream...

Friday, June 12th, was Field Day at Buckner Elementary. Claude and I were invited to come and watch and photograph the Mini's at Field Day.  Andie and Michael could not be there.  We would have gone even if they could have been there.  But it felt good to help cover bases for them.

Bailey was from 10am to 11:40am.  Hayden was from 12:20pm - 2pm.  Claude was able to view part of Bailey. Then he had to go to a meeting in Louisville. He was not able to get back in time to see Hayden.  But I took lots of pictures.

First, Bailey...Can you tell which one is Bailey? Love this little one.
Her classes did the water games first.  Pictures are of Bailey dodging the water balloon her partner tosses at her. After the water balloon toss they play a game called 'Over and Under" with a sponge full of water. Bailey is first in line for that game. The kids are then all asked to pose for a class picture where the adults actually toss the remaining water out of buckets on the kids. 
The kids were moved to the basketball courts where they played another water game. They paired off.  Bailey was very happy she and Mackenzie were partners. I have pictures of Hayden which will show how this game is played. 
The kids then moved to the field and played some games there.  First for Bailey's class was a tag game. Hula hoops were placed sporadically in the field to serve as safe spots. One kid at a time inside the hula hoop. Two kids were given yellow t-shirts and they were 'it'. They ran around trying to tag the other kids. When tagged you had to sit under a tree in the shade. The temperature in that sun was 90 degrees.  If the kids that were 'it' were trying to tag you, you could tell the kid in a hula hoop to please move. They had to relinquish their safe spot and run away from 'it'.  Bailey got to be 'it' in this picture.
At one point she was tagged and had to sit under the tree.  It didn't take her long to figure out the benefits of doing that versus running in the sun at 90 degrees.  She found my visor in my bag and had a great deal of fun under that tree.
Next came the 3-legged race.  Bailey and Mackenzie were team mates again. They did quite well.
Bailey's class went inside after this for Popsicles and to cool off.  They would run the obstacle course in the cafeteria and then to the gym to enjoy the inflatables. I actually have no idea what Bailey is doing in this picture. She and Mackenzie were waiting for their turn in the inflatables. I was across the gym and zoomed in for this picture. Their expressions are fun. 
Lastly, Bailey's class would go back outside. Buckner's principal is retiring after this year. The new principal was in place to have the kids toss a bean bag at a target. If the target was hit, a little bucket of water would pour onto the new principal's head.
Mr. B showed up while the kids were finishing up.  He was the physical education teacher for years at Buckner. He lived in Indiana and came over every day to teach.  The kids loved him.  He got a teaching/coaching position at a high school near his home. He took that job and left at the end of last school year.  The kids were so happy to see him again.
Next, Hayden...can you find Hayden? Love this kid. He was a bit torn. He had to stay in line but he really wanted a hug. 
Hayden's class started out with the field games.  He was paired with Tucker for the 3-legged race.  They got a strap to tie their legs together that was faulty. They couldn't take more than a step or two before it would pop open. I do believe the Velcro was worn out.  They just kept on stopping and putting it back on over and over again.
The potato sack races were next.  Hayden just jumped over and around the cones and back to his place in line with the greatest of ease. I'm aching with every jump he made but he just kept on going. Ah...being young and springy!!
Hayden's class went to the cafeteria for their Popsicle to cool off. On the way they ran into Mr. B. 
After doing the obstacle course and the inflatables, they went back outside to douse the principal.  This time it was Ms. Cheek, the kids current principal. 
It was then time for the water games. This is Hayden's class picture after the water balloon toss and the over and under game. Hayden is front row left end. 
This is a shot of the game played on the basketball court. There were big tubs full of water on one end of the basketball court.  Hayden sat with a 2-liter bottle on his head while his partner ran to the tubs of water and got a ladle full of water and walked it back to Hayden. Then he poured the water into the bottle trying to get it in the bottle and not on Hayden. Every now and then they would shout for the kids to change places.  Then Hayden ran with the ladle while his partner held the bottle on his head. Fun game. 

Hayden's final event was tug o'war.  Hayden loves this one best.  I'm sure with his sensory issues that pulling on the rope is just so very calming and helpful for him.
Field day was finished.  So was the last day of school for the Mini's.  Claude picked me up and took me for a cold soda after being outside most of the day.  Most excellent beverage!! We would meet the Mini's at the bus stop and hurry home for...Whipped Cream Battle.  

This is the third year for this event.  It is growing in size.  Andie learned of it and determined this was a must do for her kidlings.  So a couple of other mom's agreed and they held the first one.  Last year Claude and I were there for the second one.  This year we were happy to watch the third one of these fun events.  Each child brings their own whipped cream can, flip flops for their feet, dressed in their bathing suit, and carrying a towel.  Andie provides Popsicles for the kids to cool off and lots of things for them to play in their back yard.  The fun starts at 3pm and is over by 5pm.  Parents are to be there to watch out for their own kids.

I went out to the front porch and found Claude in the chair in a protected space for viewing. 
I looked up the street (they live on a cul de sac) and my thought was "If you build it they will come!" from the movie Field of Dreams. Moms and kids walking down the street to participate.
When every one has arrived, Andie gets all the kids eyes on her and she gives instructions (boundaries for the spraying of whipped cream, grass is a safe place, no whipped cream on adults, etc.).  Then everyone raises their can of whipped cream for a group photo.
Then the games begin...
This year I noted that most returning parents brought two cans of whipped cream for each of their kids.  There were at least 30 kids participating this year. When they are finished, the street in front of the Marx home looks a little like the birds in their neighborhood have some kind of digestive issues.

Around to the back of the house everyone goes for Popsicles and games.
So much fun for the kids and a great way to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer.

Claude and I watched the Mini's that night so Andie and Michael could have a real date. It was a nice day and evening.

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